We here at P.R.I. are devoted to giving you access to the best in BattleTech programs and files dedicated to bringing enhanced enjoyment to the game. If you know of something I don't have, or want something I don't have, contact me and I will see if I know of anyone who can do that. Now without further interruption, the goods are below. Have fun. Medron Pryde

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Retail Games

Here I have patches, tweaks, and mods for the various BattleTech retail games.

MechCommander 2
MechWarrior 3
MechWarrior 4

MechCommander/Gold min OS 95
Made by FASA Interactive, this game was one of the few Real Time Tactical games made when it was released. It rocked. I finished it several times.
MechCommander Homepage - it now forwards to the FASAStudio Homepage. It appears as though the old MC page is now dead. Sorry.

1.8 Patch for MC - English
The patch required before you can play on the zone or with the german version of the game. A must have for any serious MC player. English Version.

1.8 Patch for MC - German
The patch required before the german version can play on the zone. The American version does not need this patch.

Map Addon for MC/G
The last map addon released by the MechCommander team, this has a lot of very fun missions, but also some very unbalanced missions. It will work for MCG or MC. Double click and let it do its thang.

Single and Multi Maps for MCG
The single and multiplayer maps made by the MC team that mantis (yes, that is lowercase...if you don't know the story....well....tough luck...hehehe) was kind enough to make for us so we could use. These are designed for use in the mission editor of MechCommander Gold. Thanks for the file Jackto. I can't remember if you need to move it into the MCG directory before executing or not...:( Been too long since I used it.

MadCat Addon for MC
The munchy but fun update that allows you to start the game with a MadCat. It rocks but whoever you put in that Mad Cat is gonna get his world rocked. This works for MechCommander only. Double click, make sure it pointing at the right directory and let it have at it.

MadCat Addon for MCG
The same thing, only this time tweaked to work in MCG. You have to open the zip file and slap the start pak file into the MCX/Data/Savegame directory. (Thank you Dave Watson for telling me the exact directory) I would strongly suggest backing up the original start pak file that you will be overwriting however. You DON'T want to have to reinstall if things go bad....;-)

TGA Maker for MCG
This little hack of the MCG editor always you to make a tga image of any mission or map you find out there. For those of you still playing MC/G for fun or leagues, this would really rock for letting you see a map and draw out battle plans and the like. I don't know how to use it as I never even knew it existed until Jackto sent it to me. Thanks dude.

Quickstart Utility for MC
This file allows you to save a multiplayer game, send it to others, and then start that game. It speeds up time from entrance to launch AND allows you to play with IS and Clan tech on the same team. Instructions for use and installation are in the zip file. This was designed to help test MC before it was released and was never updated to allow it choose the new 'Mechs and vehicles in MCG.

Jump Jet Patch for MCG
The patch designed to alert us to the use of a bug in MCG that allowed a player to jump across the map in one shot, it was actually more buggy then the bug was. At my request, Mitch talked to the people at the zone and they took away the requirement to use it. At least that was the last info I have on it. To my knowledge, all other online gaming areas require it. Directions for installation are in the zip file. Thank you Jackto for the file.

System Info
Not something for just MC, but it was the program the MC team wanted you to use on your computer that told them alot about your system if you had any problems with the game running.

Mission Extender for MCG - Webpage
This is a hack for the MCG editor that allows you to put in more mission objectives, salvage, resources for objectives, giving 'Mechs in missions and a whole slew load of other stuff. Check it out if you like creating missions.

Mission Hacking for MCG - Webpage
This is a series of mission hacking tutorials written by Wolfcross that really rock. There are also links to two editor hacks that I'm trying to re-figure out so I can have them here....;-) If you are at all interested in hacking or learning how to edit missions in MCG, this is the best place to start.

MCG Editor Hack
Designed by Timberwolf, this nice little hack allows you to enter in far more units then the basic editor, and also allows you to place Port Arthur buildings on Cermak and vice versa. I have not used it myself, but it is the main hack that current MCG mission designers use.

MechCommander 2
Made by the FASA Interactive team after they were bought by Microsoft, this is a decent game. I beta tested it, and own a full version of the game, though I can't remember if I ever actually installed it and played it.
MechCommander 2 Homepage

MechWarrior 3 min OS 95
Made by Zipper, this game is in some ways the best 'Mech sim made and in others the worst. Microprose, the publisher, laid off a LARGE number of employees as their Christmas present after they humped to get the Pirate's Moon expansion out for Christmas, so many people refused to buy it.
MechWarrior 3
MechWarrior 3: Pirate's Moon

MW3 Version 1.2 Patch
An attempt to fix the netcode and balance the game, this does make it more playable but does it in ways that BTech players hated. Here it is though if you still play that game and want to play it online.

MechWarrior 4 min OS Win9x

Vengeance Homepage
Black Knight Homepage
Mercenaries Homepage
FASAStudio Mercenaries Homepage
FASAStudio Homepage - A great site with much information about all games made by FASAStudio.
MechWarrior 4 Patches - This page has numerous patches and jazz for all of the MechWarrior 4 games. This is really an awesome site to go to for those things. I'm highly impressed with it.

The first of two promised patches for MW4 Vengeance, I have heard many people complain that it makes gameplay worse. However, for most people it seems to really clean things up, and they say the extra features like team chat and the much needed cancel button are nice to say the least.

Lakefront Map
The first official expansion Map released by Microsoft. Extract it into the resource\missions directory to use.

Scrub Map
The second official expansion Map released by Microsoft. Extract it into the resource\missions directory to use. Jump Jets are encouraged by the dev team and they say bots are a bad idea because of the size of the map...very large.

Equinox Map
The third official expansion Map released by Microsoft. Extract it into the resource\missions directory to use. I have heard of problems encountered with this map, but if you don't have it, you can get kicked off servers without warning.

Alps Map
The first hacked Map released for testing by MekTek. Yes...they know the buildings have magical anti-gravity belts....;-) Extract it into the resource\missions directory to use.

Urban Riot Map
The second hacked Map released for testing by MekTek, this one features a self-installer. No floating buildings this time, but all 16 drop points have not been tested yet.

Desolate Map
The first hacked map made by WolfCross. Unzip it into the resource/missions directory and have at it. Because of the steep cliffs, jjs are recommended, and there are is a known (but rare) problem where in a team attrition game you sometimes spawn outside the playing area, leaving you unable to move.

Overall, it is a VERY good map from everything I've heard.

Decals for use with MW4 created by SolarMech.
FASA Decals left out of game.
Pack 1
Pack 2
Pack 3

Decal packs made by the other dudes who are having fun with this.
Perrin's 1st
WhiteFeather's 1st
Wyked's 1st

'Mech Pack - Khan Aidan Hall
A pack of 300 'Mechs (yes, pick what you want sparingly to keep from getting killed by the 64 'Mech bug) made by Khan Aidan Hall. The 'Mechs are his attempt to give us the TRO 'Mechs. They are not perfect as MS failed in their promise to allow us to make all the 'Mechs, but they are close and from what he said fun to play with. I have not heard anything bad about this pack from anyone else.

'Mech Pack 2 - RaptorRage
Another pack, this one with not as many 'Mechs as Aidan Hall's pack. However, this also gives many of the TRO 'Mechs and I've heard nothing bad about this, other then a statement by someone that you can only use these 'Mechs in the game they are designed for, not in higher level games. There is a seperate directory for Vengeance and Black Knight designs.

'Mech Pack 3 - RaptorRage - Uploaded 6-25-2003
Another pack back RaptorRage, this one designed for use with Mercs. It has 44 Merc 'Mechs in it that are supposed to be TRO accurate. I hope you like them as well.

Since Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Battletech, MechWarrior, BattleMech and 'Mech are registered trademarks and MechCommander is a Trademark of Wizkids Corporation. Any use of Wizkids' copyrighted material or trademarks in these files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

Copyright (c) 2003 P.R.I.. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or in any medium without express written permission from P.R.I. is prohibited. The P.R.I. name and P.R.I. logo are trademarks of P.R.I.. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.

Hosted by:
Crosswinds - 1999
Steelcommand Family - 2000-2001 - Mil-Net and P.R.I. are the only two surviving Steelcommand sites that I know of
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