Product Scans
Here I've got various scans from BattleTech products. Cover art, interior art, and general stuff like that. What I show on this page is the small version so it won't kill a modem too badly. If you want to see the big high-quality version of these scans, click on the images to download them. Most are under a megabyte. But not all.
1605 Tales of the Black Widow
1613 The Galtor Campaign
1630 The Star League
1631 Wolf's Dragoons
1643 Rhonda's Irregulars
1653 The Battle for Twycross
1657 More Tales of the Black Widow
1605 Tales of the Black Widow

A nice old BattleTech scenario pack so old it doesn't even have a copyright date from the ancient days of the 3020s when real men and women piloted Warhammers, Marauders, Crusaders, and Griffins, not to mention the odd Archer, Rifleman, or Phoenix Hawk. I like this scenario book.
1613 The Galtor Campaign

The only pure Battleforce scenario book I've ever heard of, this is a 1987 book that details a 3025 sneaky little plot of Hanse Davion to sucker punch the Kuritans into attacking the world of Galtor by making them think there is a Star League base there. Too bad he was right or it would have worked out perfectly. Lots of good artwork that I plan on getting.
1630 The Star League
"A single man ruled and controlled 3,000 star systems. The Lords of Davion, Kurita, Steiner, Marik and Liao deferred to his will." A spine-chilling quotation from one of the rarest BattleTech books ever printed, the Star League is one of the most loved sourcebooks by BattleTech fans because it tells the tale of a star empire lost to legends. The only sourcebook I know of that details the long lost Star League, I'm a major fan of this book. The scans from it come from Terry French. Thanks dude.
1631 Wolf's Dragoons

"Who Are Those Guys?" - You won't be asking that if you ever get a hold of this 1989 BattleTech sourcebook. It is in the form of a ComStar report on the Dragoons that brings them from their arrival in 3005 in Davion space, until the time after the Fourth Succession War in 3030. It has a LOT of fun 'Mechs and Vehicles in it as well. An awesome book if you can get a hold on it.
1643 Rhonda's Irregulars

"Help, help me, Rhonda!" - A newer 1991 BattleTech scenario pack with battles from 3028 to 3051. Over all, its got decent artwork and even tells the REAL story about how Camelot Command was found. Too bad they seem to have lost it since then. And forgotten about it to boot.
1653 The Battle for Twycross

"The Clans are Coming!" - 1990, FASA put out this nice little BattleTech scenario book about the 3050 Battle for Twycross. Victor got smacked up, Kai started his road to godhood, and the Clanners got their first major smack up when the Falcon Guards were waxed by one dude. It's got some good artwork that I plan on scanning.
1657 More Tales of the Black Widow

"Nasty's Back!" - I'd say the statement on the back of this 1990 BattleTech scenario book that has battles from 3032 to 3052 pretty much says it all. The pinup comes from the back of the book, and I plan on scanning some more of the art inside.