'Mech Designers
BattleMech Designer
BattleMech Generation Software
The Drawing Board Version One
The Drawing Board Version Two
Mech Builder Webpage
Mech Engineer Pro
MechSheet Webpage
Micro Mech Rules
Solaris Skunk Werks

BattleMech Designer 9.71 Full Install: Win 9x
The most advanced completed version of this 'Mech designer, it has excellent printouts and the ability to save as html and txt, but the interface is esoteric and the program does not have level 3 equipment.
BattleMech Designer 10 Beta Full Install: Win 9x
This is the never finished beta version of BMD. It is unknown if it will ever be finished. Thank you Calis for sending it to me. I have heard complaints that this does not work on all systems. As this Beta is not supported or was ever finished, I'm sorry but I can offer no support for it. It is here because I hate to see any work done towards BattleTech disappear.
BMD's Webpage.
All 'Mechs from the 3025 to 3060 Tech Readouts for BMD in two archives.
BattleMech Generation Software: Windows 95+
A new BattleMech generator by NAS Enterprise. The free-to-use version includes only level 1 technology, while you need to pay £10.00 to purchase the full program. It must be installed on the C drive in a specific directory. As I never install programs on my C drive for security and system stability reasons, I have been unable to test this program.

The Drawing Board 1.1.11 Full Install: Win 9x
This is the last revision of The (original) Drawing Board.
This program includes most level 3 equipment and sports an easy to use
interface, but has less then optimal printouts to say the least.
Here is some
Program Information - For TDB 1.x only.
Designed by Blackstone Interactive in partnership with Masterful Creations.
The Drawing Board 'Mechs from the 2750 to 3060 Tech Readouts in five seperate archives. The 2750 and 3025 archives were given me by Caine Hazen and require 1.1.11 to open. The others will work with older versions of the program.

The Drawing Board 2.0.23 Full Install - Uploaded 02-02-2005
Put together by Ralgith, this version includes most of the official TDB files and those patches and such made by the now-abandoned BattleTech Mechwarriors Yahoo Group. It does not include all of the runtime files though, and so you should download and install The Drawing Board 2.0.10b before installing this to make certain you have all the runtimes.
Below are the official files for TDB 2.0.X or that are designed to work with the official release.
The Drawing Board 2.07 Beta
This is the oldest functioning Beta I have of TDB 2. It has gone far beyond this with more modern installs and patches, but I'm keeping this here for now so it is not lost.
The Drawing Board 2.0.10b This is a new version and install of the program I was pointed to.
2.0.11 Patch This is a patch for the 2.10b install.
Weapon Data File Another patch for 2.0.11 version of the program. This one allows TDB to use rocket launchers. Thank you Carl for sending it to me.
2.0.23 Patch This is the newest version of TDB. I am told that it can be installed directly over the 2.0.10b install and incorporates all other patches, including the weapon data file. I am also told that MegaMek can read 2.0.23 files as well. Thanks to Almsh Kerensky for the program, and to Kathy Robertson and Jason Coon for information noted here.
Uploaded 9-19-2003
The Drawing Board 'Mechs from the 2750 to 3067 Tech Readouts, these files were made by the dudes at the now-abandoned BattleTech Mechwarriors Yahoo Group and all work with TDB 2.0.x rather than the older first program. The 3025 'Mechs are only those from the original 3025 and the newer "low tech" models of the Star League 'Mechs are not included. And the 3058 archive seems to be the Inner Sphere 'Mechs only. But you can get the Clan 'Mechs in another file. :-)

Record Sheets Upgrades - Uploaded 9-19-2003
Also designed for the 2.0.x version of the program, these are all the Clan 'Mechs from 3050 to 3060....sweet. :-) Made by the dudes at the now-abandoned BattleTech Mechwarriors Yahoo Group.

Wolf's Dragoons 'Mechs - Uploaded 9-19-2003
Made by the dudes at the now-abandoned BattleTech Mechwarriors Yahoo Group, these are all of the fun TDB 2.0.x files for 'Mechs used by the Inner Sphere's best Mercenary unit. For some reason I never found them as munchy as the Grey Death Legion. Don't know why. Maybe I just liked their story better. Or maybe it was Natasha....

Clan 'Mechs 3050 to 3060 - Uploaded 9-19-2003
Also designed for the 2.0.x version of the program, these are all the Clan 'Mechs from 3050 to 3060....sweet. Made by the dudes at the now-abandoned BattleTech Mechwarriors Yahoo Group.

Clan MK1 Omnis - Uploaded 6-26-2003
Thank you Deathshadow for giving me these 'Mechs. Reportedly, these are the original versions of the Clan Omnis that were released before the 3050 TRO back when the Clans were being introduced. They are more powerful in most instances then the final versions and in many cases fit the earlier fiction better. I honestly don't know for which version of the program they are for. There are enough of them after all.

HeavyMetal 4.01 Upgrade: Win 9x
This is the last update for the original HeavyMetal ever made. This is
not an update for HeavyMetal Pro but for HeavyMetal. It adds new level 3
equipment and some other stuff to the already awesome program.
All 'Mechs from the 3025 through 3060 Tech Readouts and some Field
Manuals for HeavyMetal.
Mech Builder: Web page down - looking for information on program.
This is a web utility that is fully capable of designing a 'Mech. An
interesting idea. Perhaps you can now make 'Mechs while at work or on any
computer with internet access. Heheh.

Mech Engineer Pro: Win 3.x
An older program designed for Windows 3.x, this was my favorite 'Mech
designer before the newer Win 9x progs and of course HeavyMetal.
All 'Mechs from the non revised 2750 through 3058 Tech Readouts
for Mech Engineer Pro. The only archive I have found was put together rather
wierd though. For instance, all IS 3050 and 3055 mechs are lumped together into
one directory. And 3058 is called 3057 for some reason. If anyone has a better
archive, I'll give you credit for it...;-)
MechSheet - Webpage
An OLD 'Mech designer designed to be used in Windows 3.1x, this prog can read
'Mech datafiles from MechWar 1.12.
MechSpecs 3.3 - Updated 10-23-2004
A 'Mech designer that operates on the Macintosh platform, it is no longer sold by anyone and I recently found a copy of it on the web. I have no idea if it works or not, and would love to hear information from any Mac users about whether or not it does. Tim Piazza (AKA Khan Joseph Mallan) sent me the following review about MechSpecs:
MechSpecs 3.3 is a HyperCard based program, which is a far cry from either
TDB or HMPro. The Printouts are basic and not up to the standards of Pro, but
very clean and follows the BattleTech standard print out. There was no Support
in the line of Pre-created sheets.
Two features I enjoyed was the ability to edit the Weapon & Equipment data.
Thus you could add all the latest weapons (Not the Engines, Armor or Structure
though) or create your own weapons. The funniest part of the program is that
you can make LAMs any tonnage you want. What I am saying is there is a pop up
window saying you have made a LAM over weight. Do you want to fix it? If you
answer NO you can continue making the 100 Ton Flying Elephant LAM. PerkinsC
would be jealous.
All in all I would give a C+ to Specs. since I now own a HP and have been
spoiled by HMPro, I don't know if there ever was an upgrade, but it is a very
useful program for us Mac people.

MechWorks: Win 3.x
Also designed for Win 3.x, this program was never my favorite, but it was
much more popular then MEP. The newer Drawing Board was descended from this
Designed by
Masterful Creations.
File archives for MechWorks
Micro Mech 6 Version 1.0.2 - Uploaded 10-09-2003
An interesting set of fan-made rules for Micro Mechs from 10 to 19 tonnes, but using a design process closer to the ProtoMechs then to the Ultralight 'Mechs in the normal rules of BTech construction. For one thing, you design with kilograms instead of tonnes, and you can nail weights to one tonne increments like you can with ProtoMechs and vehicles. An interesting rules system. It was found by Calis on the web and he and Discord worked on updating the rules to their current form.
Version 0.4 - Uploaded 01-05-2012
This is a new free BattleMech design utility that follows the current tournament rules. It does not support experimental technologies. It is a Java program, so it will work on all operating systems that support Java. It appears to be an interesting program, and the author has already listened to many end user requests to make the program more usable on all systems. I am impressed with his quick version upgrades to deal with problems.
Solaris Skunk Werks
Version 0.6.77 - Uploaded 01-05-2012
This is the free BattleMech design utility that many people use now. It prints out in the style of the new record sheets and follows the current generation of rules. It does not support older rules. It runs on Java so theoretically should work on any system that can run Java applications.

3039-3085, XTROs, and other sources
This is the SSW master file for all BattleMechs.