Vehicle Designers
Small Vehicle Rules
Vehicle Construction Forge
Vehicle Editor
Vehicle Factory One
Vehicle Factory Two
Vehicle Factory Three
Vehicle Generation Software
Aerotech: DOS
An Aerotech design utility, I do not know how good it is as I can't run it
on my P2 with Win 98. Comments are welcome.
Small Vehicle Construction Rules Version 4 - Uploaded 10-09-2003
Player-made rules based on current vehicle and ProtoMech construction rules that allow for the designing of vehicles from 50 to 4500 kilograms. Includes sample vehicles. Written by Boilerman and sent in pdf form to me by Discord. Thanks for the rules.

Vehicle Construction Forge
Designed by Cain "Mordred" Arthur.
Vehicle Construction Forge
Vehicle Construction Forge - Patch
A simple but good vehicle designer written by a dude over on the Solaris forums. It seems to run well on my XP machine, though I was disappointed by the fact that the installation utility automatically installed the program to my "c" drive without asking me where I wanted it. Other than that small quibble, I am impressed with the program and hope to see more from Mordred in the future. Thanks to Bladewind for e-mailing me about this program.
Vehicle Editor, by Perrin: Min OS Unknown
Vehicle Editor Homepage
Vehicle Editor V1.1 - Full Program
Vehicle Editor V1.1 - Update
A very basic Vehicle Editor, this program claims to have all Level 1
and Level 2 weaponry. I designed a quick test vehicle and noted it had MRMs
so have no reason to doubt that claim. I did notice that it isn't the easiest
program to use because of how you choose weapons, but I may not have found the
best way in the whole five minutes I spent. It does comply to present Level 2
rules though as far as I can see, so if you are suffering from Vehicle Editor
withdrawals and want to start testing something out now, go for it. It doesn't
print, but you can save as TRO html and it has fluff and some manufacturer
capabilities. I'd suggest HMVee, but this could tide you over while waiting
for it to arrive...;-)

Vehicle Factory One
Designed by
Masterful Creations.
Base VB files
These most be installed before you can install the Vehicle Factory programs.
My experience is that if you install TDB first, you will not need to install these
files before bringing up VF. Note: these are same files required for the Inner
Sphere Planetary Locator.
Vehicle Factory 1.12 vehicles min OS unknown
Many FASA-designed vehicles for the Vehicle Factory. I am still looking to find
this program, so I don't know which vehicles it has and which it doesn't.

Vehicle Factory Two
Designed by
Masterful Creations.
Base VB files
These most be installed before you can install the Vehicle Factory programs.
My experience is that if you install TDB first, you will not need to install these
files before bringing up VF. Note: these are same files required for the Inner
Sphere Planetary Locator.
Vehicle Factory 2.0.37 min OS unknown
The full version of this excellent program for designing vehicles, aerospace,
and buildings for Battletech play.
Vehicle Factory 2.0.37 upgrade min OS unknown
Updates VF 2.0.21 to the .37 version.
2750, 3025, 3026, and 3058
Vehicle Factory 2 vehicle databases

Vehicle Factory Three
Designed by
Masterful Creations.
Base VB files
These most be installed before you can install the Vehicle Factory programs.
My experience is that if you install TDB first, you will not need to install these
files before bringing up VF. Note: these are same files required for the Inner
Sphere Planetary Locator.
Vehicle Factory 3.0.18 Full Install - Uploaded 02-02-2005
Also assembled by Ralgith, this version of Vehicle Factory 3 incorporates the patch and updated vehicle databases as far as I know. Once again, a one-stop shop of installation is the plan. Please tell me if you have any problems. I am keeping the old versions here once again as backup.
Vehicle Factory 3.0.13 Beta Win 9x
This program is one of the best out there for designing vehicles and aerospace
fighters. Original design ideals were to also allow designing of dropships and
warships, but that was abandoned when Masterful Creations stopped work on this
and other BattleTech related programs. Vehicle database included.
Vehicle Factory 3.0.18 Beta Patch Win 9x
The last version of Vehicle Factory, this one has the most functions. You will
have to update the databases I have here from 3.0.13 up to 3.0.18 before using
File archives for Vehicle Factory 3. I can't remember where I found these, but I have had them for a very very long time.
Uploaded 03-23-2004
The Vehicle Factory datafiles from the 2750 to 3067 Tech Readouts, and other books, these files were made by the dudes at BattleTech Mechwarriors Yahoo Group and all work with VF 3 rather than the older versions of the program. Only those vehicle versions with RACs are missing as Vehicle Factory does not support those weapons.
Vehicle Generation Software: Windows 95+
A new vehicle generator by NAS Enterprise. The free-to-use version includes only level 1 technology, while you need to pay £10.00 to purchase the full program. In addition, you need to install the BattleMech program first, since this appears to use files from that program to run. Finally, it must be installed on the C drive in a specific directory. As I never install programs on my C drive for security and system stability reasons, I have been unable to test this program.