We here at P.R.I. are devoted to giving you access to the best in BattleTech programs and files dedicated to bringing enhanced enjoyment to the game. If you know of something I don't have, or want something I don't have, contact me and I will see if I know of anyone who can do that. Now without further interruption, the goods are below. Have fun. Medron Pryde

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Game Boards

Battletech Map Editor
DOS Map Designer 1.5
Electronic Cardboard
Mapscale DropShips
Strategic Map Simulator Webpage

Battletech Map Editor
BattleTech Map Editor V 0.11.5
min OS unknown
Have you ever wanted to make your own maps for BattleTech? Or make the official BTech maps you own on the computer so you can play with friends? Well boys and girls, here is the program to do it with. This version was released to all of us helpless buggers on May 28, 2000.
BME Homepage

Tileset Downloads:
Extra Counters
Low Resolution
Tilesets you can use in place of the Terran Standard tileset given to use with BME.

Printable Buildings - by Calis
This is a large collection of buildings in pdf files that you can print out on cardstock, cut out, fold, and glue together in order to place on a map and to play with. They look very cool and I suggest trying them at least once. Your game will never be the same after playing with full 3D architecture around you, and now all it costs is paper and ink.

BattleTech Counters - by Bedwyr

BattleMech Counters
2750 Counters - Uploaded 07-24-2006
3025 Counters - Uploaded 07-24-2006
3050 Counters - Uploaded 07-24-2006
3055 Counters - Uploaded 01-24-2007
3058 Counters - Uploaded 01-24-2007
3060 Counters - Uploaded 01-24-2007
3067 Counters - Uploaded 01-24-2007
Project Phoenix Counters - Uploaded 01-24-2007
Have you ever wanted to place a BattleMech on the map but didn't have the miniature? Or maybe you are traveling and want to get in a quick game but don't have anything to put down? Well, Bedwyr has felt your pain and answered with these pdf files. Scanned from the Technical Readouts, they have the drawing on the front and the BattleMech name on the back. Simply print them on card stock paper, cut them out, fold them, put them in the stands that come with many of the BattleTech games out there or just let them stand free if you don't have the stands, and you are good to play. And yes, these do include the unseen. These are very nice files and all thanks go to Bedwyr for making them.

Mapscale DropShips - Uploaded 08-11-2005
Ever wanted to have mapscale DropShips to play with? Well, here are three DropShips that can be printed on card stock paper and cut out for use on BattleTech maps. The Leopard, the Union, and the Overlord are by far the most common BattleMech carriers in existance and will see many uses on your board. I hope you enjoy them.

Cyber Board - Webpage
Cyberboard 3.02 - Uploaded 09-18-2007 - Sent to me by Jimmy the Tulip
This is a nice freeware PBEM game software. I have seen games that recreate everything from "Britannia" by Avalon Hill to "Renegage Legion" by FASA for use with this program.
BattleTech Gameboard - Sent to me by Chris
A basic BattleTech Gameboard designed for use with Cyberboard. I've never used it so can not say what it is like.
Succession Wars Gameboard - Uploaded 09-18-2007 - Sent to me by Jimmy the Tulip
A gamebox designed to allow you to play Succession Wars using Cyberboard. Way cool. :)

DOS Map Designer 1.5 - DOS
This is a simple map designer for use in a DOS environment

Electronic Cardboard - Webpage inactive and I can't find it.
Webpage on Delphi - This is not the primary EC homepage which I still can't find, but it should allow you to dl the program. Thank you Tory for the link.
A program designed to allow you to play a board game on your computer. It will allow you to place and move units on a "board" that is a simple bitmap background file. I have many sets that allow full use of this program for playing our favorit game Battletech. A very nice program for PBEM players.

Electronic Cardboard icons
These icons are for use with Electronic Cardboard. They include some BattleSpace, BattleForce 2, many Inner Sphere Mechs, some Clan Mechs, some vehicles, buildings, and some incidentle counters like fire and smoke. A very nice and very large collection of icons. Thank you T-Bolt.

Battletech Maps
MS 2
MS 3
MS 4
MS 5

All maps from the Map Sets 2 through 4, all but one map from Map Set 5, and the standard maps that came with the box sets, three Solaris 7 maps, the Fourth Succession Battlepack map, and several custom maps including the Elemental Hockey League. These are all in Bitmap format, so can be used in Electronic Cardboard with no problem. I have also been informed that they should work with Cyberboard. I have heard no information either way on whether or not they work with Strategic Map Simulator but would be surprised if they did not. If you wish to print them, simply blow them up to 200% of original size and they will be the right size to use BTech minis on.

Strategic Map Simulator - Webpage
This freeware program appears to be a better version of the Electronic Cardboard program. I have not used it, but the features section says it actually handles dice rolling and everything. Also excellent for use in PBEM players if their information is correct.

BattleTech Tile Set Thank you U.G Wilson for giving me the file.

- Webpage
I have yet to use this software (I can't figure it out), but I have been told that it is very good for playing board games over the internet. You can perform dice rolls with software, as well as show images (icons) moving over the table top.

WebRPG BTech files
For playing BTech over the WebRPG. I have yet to figure out WebRPG, so don't yet know how good these are. But I do know that people play with them.

Since Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Battletech, MechWarrior, BattleMech and 'Mech are registered trademarks and MechCommander is a Trademark of Wizkids Corporation. Any use of Wizkids' copyrighted material or trademarks in these files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks.

Copyright (c) 2003 P.R.I.. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part in any form or in any medium without express written permission from P.R.I. is prohibited. The P.R.I. name and P.R.I. logo are trademarks of P.R.I.. All other trademarks and trade names are the properties of their respective owners.

Hosted by:
Crosswinds - 1999
Steelcommand Family - 2000-2001 - Mil-Net and P.R.I. are the only two surviving Steelcommand sites that I know of
Max Gaming - 2001-2010
Umbrella Technologies - 2011