BattleTech Mods
BattleTech Mod Productions - website
Command and Conquer Generals - The Capellan Solution - website
Half Life BattleTech Mod - Beyond the Front - website
Homeworld BattleTech Mod - Space Wars - website
MechWars for Total Annihilation - website
StarCraft BattleTech Missions
Total Annihilation Units
Tribes BattleTech Mod - website
- website
This website has links to all of the major BTech mods presently being attempted. The MechWars Total Annihilation mod and the Space Wars Homeworld mod are looking particularly good.
Command and Conquer Generals - The Capellan Solution - website
An impressive mod of the well-liked Command and Conquer Generals game, this mod tells the story of the Liao invasion of the St. Ives Compact. Choose who to fight for, the marauding Limpies, the brave St. Ives warriors, or the Star League "peacekeepers".

Half Life BattleTech Mod - Beyond The Front - website
A Half Life mod that allows you to play as a BattleTech foot soldier. Looks good to me.
Homeworld BattleTech Mod - Space Wars - website
Now this is one nice mod. Take a look at the ships page to see how many ships are done compared to not done. This bad boy is coming along very nicely if you ask me.
MechWars for Total Annihilation - website
Hello nurse, this looks sweet. Who wants some? If you have Total Annihilation and like BTech, you've probably dreamed of having 'Mechs in your game. Here is your chance. It will hopefully come out soon so we can tick butt and take names.
And for a preview of their design, take a look at the MadCat above. Hello nurse.
The Second Battle of Twycross
The Great Gash
7 December 3057
Detailing the battle where The Black Widow Natasha Kerensky died at the
hands of Joanna (what's her last name again? hehehe) during the height of the
Refusal War between Clans Wolf and Pidgeon...err...make that Jade Falcon...;-)
This mission was designed by Mishima before MCG and it's mission editor
came out for StarCraft. It uses a tile set from BroodWar, so you must have that
expansion. Because of this, I have never played the mission and don't know
how good it is.
Botched Raid
Deep Periphery
20 October, 3062
A Star League Task Force of Davion units in the Deep Periphery are raiding
a Jade Falcon supply depot when a surface-to-space Orbital Cannon opens up,
destroying several dropships, trapping several in high orbit, and sending others
crashing to the surface. The missions open directly after the crashes with
scattered Davion units trying to survive.
Note that it requires the BroodWar Expansion
Also note that as this is the first set of missions I have ever made in SC,
it is in testing. Any feedback you have would be graciously received.
Botched Raid, First Battle
Botched Raid, Second Battle