
<< "You're almost there." His commander replies. "Now take the next right!"

Reacting instinctively, Panther turns hard again, and quickly slows his Raven as he realizes where he's ended up. There are buildings on all sides in front of him. The only way out is the way he'd come.

"Commander!" he yells into his microphone. "This is a dead end! I don't have jump jets!"

Harrison works his command controls and glances quickly at the tactical display. Almost ready.... "I know what you've got." He tells Panther. "Hold your position."

The Raven turns under Panther's command just in time to face the Mad Cat as it comes around the corner. It too sees there is no escape for the scout 'Mech and raises its arm-mounted weapons for the final blow. At this range, Panther knows the Mad Cat pilot is aiming for the Raven's cockpit. And there's nothing Panther can do....

"Dammit sir!" He yells into his still-open microphone. "I need some help!"

Harrison watches the tactical display. A range indicator turns green. He suppresses a smile. "Here it comes."


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Last updated on April 07, 1998