
<< The Mad Cat locks all its weapons, a full barrage of lasers and missiles, onto the Raven that stands so close there's no chance of missing. But back behind the enemy 'Mech, the street extends for blocks into darkness. As the enemy 'Mech's pilot moves his hand to fire, the shadows down that street light up. A wave of missiles pushed by plumes of flame roar toward the Mad Cat, launched by Viper's Commando and Avenger's Centurion. In Mad Cat's cockpit, too late, alarms and warnings sound. The pilot tries to turn the 'Mech's torso to take some of the impact on the less damaged side armor, but the missiles are too fast. They impact and explode, shearing metal and tearing armor. Emergency lights turn red all through the cockpit. The Mad Cat turns-- the approaching 'Mechs, who are now firing with all weapons, are a greater threat than the little damaged Raven....

Harrison barks: "Panther! Finish him!"

The Mad Cat is turned completely away from the Raven. Panther can see the scars in its rear armor from his own missiles and the torn and shredded sections from the recent missile barrage. There couldn't be much left...

He locks his short-range missiles on target and fires. The tandem launcher releases the missiles, and their solid-fuel motors immediately engage. The warheads have barely enough time to arm before they strike, punching through what remains of the Mad Cat's rear armor and detonating inside it. The enemy 'Mech pitches forward, control cables and power systems breaking and rupturing from the twin explosions. The enemy pilot switches to back ups. He still outguns them. He can still put his back to a building and take them apart. He can still... an ammo fire warning alarm sounds. He can still eject...

He doesn't have enough time and the huge load of long-range missile and autocannon ammo explodes. Fail-safe systems designed to vent the explosion clear of the 'Mech fail from the battering and the explosion is contained for a moment within the Mad Cat until it vents out every hole and tiny crack it can find. Much of it escapes through the cockpit. The pilot does not live long enough to notice.

Panther breathes again. "Oh man...."


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Last updated on April 07, 1998