
<< "Roger that!" Panther replies. As the Mad Cat brings its weapons to bear and fires, Panther slams his Raven into a hard pivoting turn that the enemy's weapon mounts are hard-pressed to match. Sparks fly up from the pavement as the Raven sprints away at full power. Flat-out across open terrain the light scout 'Mech can easily outrun the slower, less-agile heavy enemy 'Mech. But in a city....

The Mad Cat's powerful lasers reach out toward the Raven as it flees and reduces the iron work of an abandoned building to slag. In the cockpit Panther feels the heat of its destruction.

Harrison's voice crackles again over the radio: "Turn!" Panther is so busy avoiding the enemy 'Mech's weapon fire that he isn't watching the path.

"Take the turn!"

At the last possible second, the Raven turns hard, tearing up the pavement. The Mad Cat slows, loses some distance, turns, and follows after him. It fires as soon as it has Panther in its sights, the beam of green energy catching the left side of the Raven as it dashes down the street. In the cockpit, alarms sound and warning lights flash--the Mad Cat's hit has seared off nearly the entire armor in that area and is threatening to start melting critical internal components.

Panther knows that another shot or two like that will finish him, and if that doesn't he also knows it is only a matter of time before he tries to turn too quickly on a slick piece of pavement. "Sir!" he radios Harrison. "I can't keep up this pace!"


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Last updated on April 07, 1998