
<< "Ejecting!" Hardcase yells over the open radio channel as he tightens his harness and slams a hand down on the ejection release. "Ejecting!" The 'Mech might or might not explode, but he doesn't intend to be on top of it to find out. Heavy releases disengage and the old solid rocket motor built into the giant BattleMech's head fires, propelling it skyward and clear of the fight. The Hunchback, unbalanced by the launch and the weapon fire, teeters and then falls. Already blocks away, the escape capsule deploys its parachutes and braking jets and begins to drift gently to the ground.

The Hunchback, the greatest single threat to the enemy, is dead. It is time for new prey. The enemy pilot guns his `Mech toward the remaining smaller, comparatively lightly-armed 'Mechs of Ricochet Lance. It takes only a moment for the enemy 'Mech to come into view.


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Last updated on April 07, 1998