
<< Inside the Hunchback's cockpit, Hardcase taps the primary weapon joystick to bring his devastating heavy-caliber autocannon to bear on the shadowy target that is just coming into view behind a burned out building. "Show yourself my little..." He is expecting a clean shot as it steps around the building, but instead the enemy shoots first, firing through the gaps in the building. Lasers dance across the Hunchback's torso, turning metal into liquid and shorting circuits. Critical circuits explode and fail in his cockpit, overloaded by the laser energy that slips through a weak seam in his armor.

More weapon fire, more lasers and then missiles, rain in on the Hunchback, tearing into it. Panther jerks his Raven involuntarily to the side to get clear of the hail of weapon fire. "Son of a bitch!" he says. His 'Mech is built for speed, not punishment. He slaps his targeting visor into place and cues his microphone. "Sir, they've got us ranged!" he tells Harrison, as if that wasn't already clear.

Harrison understands, but there are bigger problems. "Get to him!" he replies. "He can't be allowed to get off a message." If the enemy finds out where the invading force is landing too early the entire plan could be in jeopardy.

Next to Panther, Hardcase's Hunchback staggers back from more weapon fire. Armor peels away like paper until there is nothing left. Hardcase knows that if the enemy keeps pounding him there is a good chance his almost untouched store of heavy autocannon ammo will explode. He tries to turn his 'Mech quickly to present a part of his armor that is less damaged and then to dart for the cover of some buildings, but the Hunchback doesn't respond. Control cables have been cut. There is only one option.


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Last updated on April 07, 1998