
<< "Mad Cat!" Viper calls out as soon as the light from the streetlamps washed across it. The charcoal grey and red color scheme is distinctive and damning. "Jaguar Mad Cat!"

Inwardly, Harrison groans. The recon lance, especially with the loss of the fire support 'Mech, isn't equipped to deal with the heavy Mad Cat OmniMech. It out-ranges them and out-guns them. And since they have no choice but to fight it and take it out fast he has to out-think its pilot. "Avenger, Viper," he barks into the radio, "move to these coordinates." He traces out the path on the overhead map on his command console knowing that the data is being passed directly into the cockpits of Ricochet lance's 'Mechs.

The two MechWarriors immediately take their 'Mechs up to full throttle and move down the side street Harrison indicated. Panther watches them go, leaving him alone with the closing Mad Cat. "Where the hell..."

Harrison has no time for Panther's uncertainty. "Hold your position Panther." There is no time for anything but the plan.

In the streets, much to Panther's relief, the Mad Cat judges the fleeing Viper and Avenger to be greater threats than the Raven and moves to follow them. Panther reaches to key his microphone and warn his remaining lancemates when Harrison's voice crackles over the radio. "Panther! Hit him! Get his attention!"

Panther looks at the Mad Cat turning after his friends; it is over twice his weight and packs easily three to four times his firepower. There is no way. "Sir..." replies Panther, "...I..."

Harrison steps all over him. "Do it!"


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Last updated on April 07, 1998