
<< Harrison ignores the activity. He is already at war. "Ricochet lance, move to waypoint green... and stay sharp!" he snaps at them-- His people feel too loose. "I don't like the smell--"

Viper, MechWarrior Rachel Bonner, cuts him off. "I've got something..." he hears her say across the radio link. Instantly, the displays on Harrison's command and control station shift to show the new information. A sensor trace appears among the clutter of buildings and is closing rapidly. Too rapidly.

"Clear the channels!" Harrison says to cut the sudden chatter from the other command stations. "I have enemy contact." Attention in the room, across the ship, and throughout the entire task force begins to shift to him. Colonel Reese leans back. It is all up to Harrison after all.

Lieutenant Hensley whispers in her ear: "We're past the abort window, Colonel..." She ignores him. To her, and Harrison, it is clear what had to be done.

"Panther," Harrison says across the radio link, "move 'em up. Let's see what we've got."

Reese steps slightly forward again. More for the rest she commanded than for Harrison she says: "Commander, I assume you have this under control." It is a statement, not a question. As she expected, Harrison doesn't answer her directly.

He leans into his console. "Let's get this done, folks." He says almost quietly to his lance.

Immediately, Hank Blair, in his powerful Hunchback 'Mech responds. "Command, this is Hardcase." Target's coming into visual."


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Last updated on April 07, 1998