The Human Sphere is a BattleTech universe set in 3100. The Jihad has come and gone, leaving in its wake dozens of small realms in a perpetual cycle of raids and small wars. Will you seek money or defend your nation? Or both? You decide.

The Human Sphere

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The Inner Sphere

Mercenary Review and Bonding Commission

Terran Reaches

Allied Mercenary Command
Tikonov Free Republic

Draconis Rifts

Draconis Combine
Azami Caliphate
Proserpina Syndicate

Federation Expanse

Federated Suns
Robinson Republic
Syrtis Federation
Filtvelt Coalition
Ozawa-Addicks Mercantile Alliance

Capellan Rump States

Capellan Confederation
St. Ives Compact
Sarna Supremacy
Styk Commonality

Free Worlds League

Free Worlds League
Marik-Stewart Commonwealth
Oriente Protectorate
Duchy of Andurien
Principality of Regulus
Rim Commonality
Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey
Zion Protectorate

Lyran Commonwealth

Lyran Commonwealth
  Battle of Coventry
Tamar Pact
Federation of Skye
Solaris Cooperative

The Clans

Clan Jade Falcon
Hell, Steel &Ice
Clan Smoke Jaguar
Rasalhague Dominion
Wolf Ascendancy
Clan Sea Fox
Nova Cat Confederation
Clan Snord

Outer Sphere & Periphery

Raven Alliance
Taurian Concordat
Magistracy of Canopus
Fronc Federation
Marian Hegemony
Rim Collection

Civilizations of the Deep
Pirates of the Deep

"Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it." - Santayana

Tikonov Free Republic


The Rise of the Brothers Ridzik

The original Tikonov Grand Union was a powerful nation in its own right before becoming a part of the Capellan Confederation, and centuries of Liao command left them unhappy subjects.  When House Davion attacked and crushed the Liao defenders, the ambitious General Pavel Ridzik saw which way the winds were blowing and left the friend he’d helped make Chancellor blowing in the wind to form the Tikonov Free Republic.  While it wasn’t located on Tikonov, wasn’t Free, and had nothing to do with being a Republic, the name stuck until the Capellans assassinated him and the Tikonov Free Republic voted to merge with the growing Federated Commonwealth Alliance.

During the three decades that followed, its worlds lived well under Steiner and Steiner-Davion rule.  Prosperous and peaceful, they were content even if they had to bow to other thrones.  That ended in 3057 when the Free Worlds League and the Capellan Confederation invaded the Sarna March, shattering it under their twin hammers with the help of Katherine Steiner-Davion’s call for all Lyran units to leave.  The worlds of the former Tikonov Free Republic fell into chaos, most of them unclaimed by any major power and left to decide what they were going to do themselves.  Invariably that led to “strong men” standing up and taking charge.

Leftenant General William "Bud" Baranov of the Fourth Republican proved to be one of those men.  He declared himself Emperor and used his position to ravage Hall and other nearby systems as the seeds of his own destruction formed beneath his nose.  Count McNally proved to be his most visible opponent at first, but division within Baranov’s own camp led them to a civil war that devastated the capital city before the traitors were driven out.  And at the same time, Pavel Ridzik’s twin sons came to Hall with a small army and began to prepare to reform their father’s nation.

On New Year’s Eve of 3058 Yuri and Nikoli Ridzik struck, decapitating Baranov’s rebels in their southern cities as they celebrated the New Year with far too much alcohol and women.  The Ridzik brothers added those BattleMechs to their armed strength on planet and turned to Count McNally next.  Unlike the rebels they’d just dealt with however, they’d learned to respect McNally.  He commanded an orderly realm, unlike Baranov, and had continued to hold out against numerous assaults despite being outnumbered.  The brothers offered an alliance to McNally as they tested the intentions of his commanders.  Though the rulers disliked each other, they realized that Baranov was a greater enemy and joined together to take him down.

The war against Baranov lasted for over a year as the Ridzik and McNally forces trained together, sniping at their richer opponent to improve their ability to work together, and slowly stripped down Baranov’s ability to keep track of their movements until they moved in March of 3060.  The final battle in Harney shattered what was left of Baranov’s forces, nearly crippled McNally’s, regrettably resulted in the death of Count McNally himself, and cemented the Ridzik brothers’ hold on Hall.  As well as what remained of the units once loyal to Baranov and McNally.

The Ridziks spent the next two years rebuilding and training their army with special attention given to Stacy O'Shayne’s renamed Ridzik Guard and the Burton’s Brigade commanded by Elly Burton.  They also put heavy resources into placing agents in the Fifth Republican Guard on Elgin to prepare it for their eventual assault.  When they struck Elgin in May of 3062 the Republicans didn’t even try to fight, giving them the island of Jolo and its light industries, and the Ridziks gave the local nobles two choices.  Die cowering in their pitiful little hovels as the Ridziks hunted them to extinction, or become proud new members of the Tikonov Free Republic.  Baron Men Hou called the nobles to resist the “upstart bastards of a traitor” and his army was slaughtered within hours, his estates dismantled piece by piece, he and his family pulled out, stripped of every possession, and marooned on a small island within view of their former home.  The Ridziks declared that anyone who attempted to help them would be welcome to share the former Baron’s fate and reiterated their offer.  The other nobles happily accepted the option to become a part of the Tikonov Free Republic with great enthusiasm that a subsequent celebration reinforced heartily.

The Ridziks, like the Federated Commonwealth before them, wisely chose to allow the nobles to do as they wished and tasked them with rebuilding the Fifth Republican Guard.  After the fall of Elgin, the three Tikonov Republican Guard regiments in Lyran space took notice of the rise of the Ridziks and soon took the offer to leave the service of Katherine Steiner behind in favor of helping to rebuild their home.  Yuri and Nikoli Ridzik met their half-brother, Caleb Peleao, with open arms and as much trust as they would have given to a hungry tiger.

They then focused their efforts on nearby Hsien, sending agents there to foment the fighting between the three major factions on planet.  Their agents even helped Baron Luis Montong V find a mercenary unit desperate enough to work for him, and then organized matters so he could eventually win against the Capellan-loyal government as the Ridziks prepared to invade.  The fateful day came on 15 February, 3063 as Montong’s forces hit the capital, captured an ancient Castle Brian from the government, and prepared to finish off the remnants of the government’s forces.  The Republican Guards struck after the government forces were crippled, when Montong’s army was weakened and damaged, smashing it and surrounding the Castle Brian.  Baron Montong held out for a year, hoping desperately for help from the Commonwealth that never came.  In the end, with food supplies running low, he negotiated a peaceful settlement with the Ridziks and they allowed him to return to his home with what remained of his military in exchange for his fealty.  It had taken nearly a year to pacify the planet, but Ridzik casualties proved minimal, and they gained the fealty of a man they knew would never surrender to another easily.

They continued to use their instincts at warfare in 3064, adding Capolla and Terra Firma to their possession, but it was then that Caleb Peleao struck, sending “his” three regiments against Hall.  With most of their forces fighting on Capolla and Terra Firma, Caleb thought it was the time to strike.  Unfortunately for him, while he’d been preparing to betray them, the Ridziks had been preparing to remove him.  Caleb’s own second in command drugged and captured him, turned him over to his half brothers for justice, and ordered the Republican Guard regiments to stand down.  After an elegant show trial the Ridziks marooned him and the worst of his men and women on the same island as former Baron Men Hou on Elgin.

Their internal difficulties taken care of, they returned to looking outward.  Their first target was the system of Tikonov, the former capital of the long-dead Tikonov Union.  They began sending resources to support the Free Republican Revolutionaries, a force that soon proved to be worth every C-Bill the Ridziks poured into it.  While they proved incapable of taking the world in the end, they did manage to hold up the FedCom Civil War and keep those two hated houses fighting each long enough for the Ridziks to build up their power until they were too strong to easily defeat.  In addition, seeing the military might of the Duchy of Small as a threat to their continued survival, the Ridziks began sending large amounts of aid to the Sheratan Knights, helping that beleaguered world to take the war back to the Duchy on nearby Fletcher and Epsilon Indi.  Finally, they opened peaceful relations with the Styk Commonality, many think as a way of keeping them out of their next war.

Even though they thought the Duchy of Small could be a threat to them in the future, the Ridzik brothers saw the Saiph Triumvirate as a much more immediate threat and prepared to deal with it in the way the Ridziks proved best at.  The year 3065 found them assaulting the Saiph Triumvirate and conquering Tall Trees in a lightning campaign.  They were unable to conquer Saiph and New Canton until 3067, even with Styk remaining officially neutral, but by then the FedCom Civil War was finally rolling towards the end and the Ridziks realized it was time to stop trying to conquer worlds and prepare to defend themselves.

The Tikonov Free Republic likely would not have expanded further, content to build up all five Republican Guard Regiments and the other allied formations, had the Star League Conference on Tharkad in 3067 not resulted in the censure of Word of Blake and the beginning of their Jihad.  The Ridziks, for all their willingness to sacrifice lives to build their power, couldn’t support the full-scale devastation that the Word of Blake performed on their enemies, and offered their support to the Wolf’s Dragoons and their Allied Mercenary Command.  Within weeks the Republican regiments landed on Liberty and Epsilon Indi, supporting the local resistance forces against the Word of Blake and sending what Duchy of Small forces that remained on Epsilon Indi running and allowing The Triumvirate to hold the world.  That started the long, slow march towards Terra as the abused Wolves, Highlanders, and even ComStar joined in to hit the Word.

Sirius Rising

The year 3068 not only saw the alliance between Allied Mercenary Command and the Tikonov Free Republic, a reaffirmed alliance between the Republic and Styk that included Republic aid to Styk, but also the emergence of the Sirian Concordance into power.  Like other factions now powerful in the Human Sphere, it left its parent nation when the Jihad began.  Also like most of those nations, it had a history of being anti-government.  And like the rest of the Tikonov Free Republic, it found itself formed by the Marik and Capellan invasion of the Federated Commonwealth in 3057.  Sirius and Procyon were left to rot by the League forces, under the sway of a madman that killed thousands of people.  The Sirian Lancers rebelled against League orders to save their homeland, and the Sirian Concordance never forgave the League for its lack of concern.

When the Jihad began, they happily left the League to rot and die under Word assault, just as the League had left them to die before.  They remained out of the war, comfortable and slowly collecting refugees from other realms as the Tikonov Free Republic, the Allied Mercenary Command, and ComStar waged war mere light-years away.  Then in 3071, with the Word of Blake visibly weakening in both the League and the Chaos March, they assaulted the Word of Blake controlled Border Protectorate with Tikonov support.  By 3072 they controlled nearly all of the worlds the League lost to the FedCom during the Fourth Succession War and turned to begin supporting the drive to Terra.

It was the with Third Sirian Lancer support for instance that the Second and Third Republican Guards, ComStar’s Third and Fifth Armies, Wolf’s Dragoons’ Beta and Epsilon Regiments, all three Dismal Disinherited regiments, and the Northwind Highlanders hit Caph.  The remains of the Word of Blake’s First, Fourth, and Fifth Divisions fought and died there, unable to retreat because of heavy WarShip space superiority from the remains of the Wolf’s Dragoon and ComStar fleets that had started the war.

The Triumvirate’s Birth

The war between the Duchy of Small and the worlds that would form The Triumvirate, in the light of these massive battles, seems to be of little significance to most historians.  A close study of the facts however will show that this war had much more impact than many believe.  It had waged in a low fashion since 3058 when the first Small forces tried to take the single world of Sheratan.  The Sheratan Knights, with Epsilon Eridani aid, held them off despite heavy casualties, and even sent forces to help the independence movement on Ingress, until 3064 when the growing Tikonov Free Republic began giving them heavy aid to fight the Duchy of Small.  By the end of the year, Sheratan, Epsilon Eridani, and Ingress had officially formed the Triumvirate Military Command and the worlds of Fletcher, Epsilon Indi, and Ingress were enflamed by full-scale Triumvirate assaults that rocked the Duchy of Small back on its heals and kept it busy until the Jihad.

In 3068, the Allied Mercenary Command and Tikonov shattered all Small and Word forces on Epsilon Indi before moving into the Blakist Hegemony, leaving the Triumvirate to fight the rest of the Small forces alone.  By 3071 everybody could see that the Word of Blake was collapsing and many small battered mercenary forces began fleeing their contracts.  Some of them landed in the Duchy of Small, which happily paid them to help take care of The Triumvirate problem.  It was the worst thing they could have done under the circumstances.  With proof that the Duke of Small was working with mercenaries guilty of war crimes added on to the long rumors of them having worked with the Word, the Fifth Republican Guard was dispatched to help The Triumvirate remove the Duchy of Small from the equation.  In January of 3072, Duke Blake Small surrendered his realm to The Triumvirate and Tikonov recalled the Fifth to the remains of the Blakist Hegemony, leaving Triumvirate forces to protect what the Ridziks considered Triumvirate property.

The War for Terra

In August of 3074, as the Star League fleet attempted to smash the Word of Blake fleet in Terra to pieces and after being pressured by the League government a little too hard, the Sirian Concordance signed a full alliance with the Tikonov Free Republic, making themselves an independent member state of the powerful nation.  November of 3075 saw the Star League navy securing their hold on the outer Terran system, including the powerful Titan Yards, and the ground forces of the Free Tikonov Republic, the Allied Mercenary Command, and the other Star League forces invaded every major rock in the outer system.

Then in March of 3076, the final battle for the Terran system began.  The Star League fleet breached the defenses around Mars and allowed the Star League member states to invade the world.  It fell quickly under the guns of a dozen regimental formations and then all eyes fell on Terra.  The invasion began in September, the Star League fleet smashing parts of the operational Reagan Space Defense System positions on Luna and Terra to rubble for the DropShips to land their troops.  The Regulans used nukes to smash the Word defenses, but while others condemned them the Ridziks remained silent.

Tikonov and the Allied Mercenary Command were tasked with taking the Americas and hit South America first in a wave of firepower that smashed the defending Word of Blake warriors back.  They joined up with the remains of numerous ComStar resistance movements along the way, using their intelligence to continue to route the defenders.  Buenos Aires fell in January, shattering what was left of Word of Blake resistance in South America.  Unable to maintain AeroSpace superiority they couldn’t support what was left of their men down there and pulled back to the northern end of the Andes Mountains.

Leaving the majority of Allied Mercenary Command to deal with the remaining Word troops there, the Wolf’s Dragoons, Dismal Disinherited, Northwind Highlanders, and the Republican Guards hit Panama and began to march up through Central America.  In May, the battle of Belmopan in Belize shattered what remained of the Word forces in Central America, leaving the path to Mexico City and Monterrey easy going.

July saw them, along with support from ComStar’s Third Army, smash into the North American subcontinent with a vengeance.  They captured Wichita, the base of North American Defense, in August and continued on to Hilton Head, marching in force.  What remained of the Word of Blake defenses (mines, weapons turrets, dug in infantry, vehicles, BattleMechs, and even the last of their Aerofighters) pushed them off, just as they had defeated every attack by ComStar beforehand.  Which was when the Regulan WarShip Xanthos erased Hilton Head from existence with a naval bombardment that leveled every building on the island and sent enough rocks and dirt flying that when it was done the sea came in and covered the old ComStar headquarters, flooding the many tunnels beneath it.

The war continued for a few more months, but with the loss of Hilton Head the Word resistance faltered.  In April of 3078, Word resistance had been effectively wiped out in the entire Terran system.

Peace and War

With the war for Terra won and their forces no longer needed, the Tikonov Free Republic, Sirian Concordance, and The Triumvirate pulled their regiments back home to commence repairs.  Purchasing many replacement vehicles from Terra, Outreach, and Northwind, they maintained friendly relations with ComStar and the Allied Mercenary Command.  To this day in fact, Outreach and Northwind are both independent fiefdoms of the Wolf’s Dragoons and the Northwind Highlanders, though they are surrounded by Tikonov worlds.

For the next three years though, the Ridziks continued their policy of rebuilding and simply tried to stay out of trouble as they started friendly relations with Skye, the Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, Syrtis Federation, Ozawa-Addicks Mercantile Alliance, and even the shattered Draconis Combine.  Official treaties of alliance with Northwind and Outreach solidified the long friendly relations between them and the Republic, numerous mercenaries who had worked under the Allied Mercenary Command were granted landholds on worlds they helped conquer that were now a part of the Republic, and an official alliance was signed with ComStar, once again in charge of Terra, and its rebuilding.  In 3079, The Triumvirate became an official member, much like the Sirian Concordance, of the Tikonov Free Republic as well.  Tikonov also sold war equipment to Styk at only slightly above cost, making Styk a lifetime friend.  Or enemy that they were simply keeping close.

The policy of quiet rebuilding ended when the St. Ives War began and the Styk Commonality hit Syrtis.  The Ridziks began to see the possibility of taking over the worlds of the original Tikonov Union, a chance they would lose if they allowed Styk to take it all, and entered the war in 3081, starting with a four-prong attack that smashed the weakened Syrtis Federation troops back.  Their new Chimera OmniMechs helped their drive greatly and proved themselves to be worth their expensive investment in that first year.  The Ridziks then began to slowly leapfrog into Syrtis space, the elite Epsiloni Guard supporting them, one layer at a time as the Syrtis Federation tried desperately to hold onto Tikonov.  In January of 3085, the Ridziks finally smashed through to Tikonov and defeated the last of the Syrtis troops in the region.

Exhausted and needing time to rebuild, the Ridzik brothers pulled most of their forces back to their core worlds and once again waited.  They wanted the Chesterton Worlds, a collection of worlds that had once been a part of the old Tikonov Grand Union, but didn’t feel powerful enough to simply march in and take it.  They didn’t want Styk to hold the worlds either, but also felt Styk was a good shield against Capellan and Sarn aggression so didn’t want to fight them.  In the end, they decided upon the plan of continuing to maintain friendly relations, and support for, the Styk Commonality, but also began sending support directly to the Chesterton Worlds.  Other nations have done the same over the last fifteen years, making the Chesterton Worlds a rich and powerful border region that keeps the Republic border secure.

Two years later, in 3087, the single largest surviving nation-state in the Human Sphere, began to break up into civil war.  Long considered the greatest threat to the survival of the Tikonov Free Republic, the Ridzik brothers had watched the Draconis Combine warily for years.  It filled them with profound happiness when the Nova Cats, Azami, and the core Combine began to fight each other.  They also began to prepare to snatch up what they could, slowly building up and repositioning their forces.  In 3089 they struck with Eridani Guard support, smashing through what remained of the Combine rearguard forces and taking several systems that had held off Azami attacks since the war began, including the heavily defended Dieron.  What worlds they didn’t capture, the Azami took and held when the war ended, leaving Tikonov without a border to the Draconis Combine.  While they have never officially ended the state of war between their realms, their soldiers never meet.

Peace at Last

In the last ten years, Tikonov has established warm relations with the Azami Caliphate, rebuilt the factories of Altair, Dieron, Nirasaki, and Quentin, and have maintained friendly relations with all of their neighbors.  The Marik-Stewart Commonwealth and the Federation of Skye are too powerful, the Azami Caliphate is too fanatical, the Mercantile Alliance is too advanced, and Styk is too much of a shield against Sarn and Capellan interests for them to want to fight.  Many have considered that they might want to take out Zion, but that small realm has powerful allies and purchases a large amount of Tikonov production, most likely keeping them safe from expansion.  Other notable allies are ComStar on Terra, Northwind’s Highlanders, and Wolf’s Dragoons of Outreach, still the heart of the mercenary trade in the Human Sphere.  Most analysts believe their next move will be to attempt to absorb the Chesterton Worlds, relying mostly on the interest they put into Tikonov two decades before they had the chance to take it.  Based on that timetable, they believe that the Ridzik brothers may move in the next five years to forcibly absorb those worlds if they don’t come over willingly.

The Sirian Concordance, unlike the Ridzik-controlled part of the Republic, has been content to peacefully build its Lancers since the assault on Terra ended.  While they have sent some forces to support the Ridzik initiatives, and have sold much of the production from Oliver and the newly-built factories of Sirius and Procyon to the Republican Guards, they have spent most of their time recovering from centuries of being fought over.  Sirius itself is the home of several new factories, including a light frigate yard that Primus Twofeathers ordered built so that the Concordance would never again be forced to rely on others to protect it.  Despite the Sirians’ notorious streak of independence though, they are loyal allies of the Ridziks, as long as the brothers never make the mistake of treating the Concordance as inferior.

The Triumvirate is the most peaceful region of Tikonov space, with only three major BattleMech units under its command.  Bordering the peaceful Ozawa-Addicks Mercantile Alliance, they have little to fear and have mostly gone back to their simple lives.  Ruled by three Triumvirs, one from each founding world, the people vote from the three Triumvirs to select the Triumvir Prime.  Gabriel Shu was first, using his position as the most powerful noble on Epsilon Eridani and the public relations capability of his sister to take the seat in 3064.  He held that position, winning every subsequent election, until 3075 when he announced his retirement to “take care of his homeland.”  The photogenic and outgoing Romano Shu won the next election in 3076 and holds the office of Triumvir Prime to this day.  A pliable member of the Small family rules Small World, suitably bought and paid for by Romano Shu with what rumors suggest may be compromising holos of her with other men and/or women of a range of ages, and keeps that world from being a problem for the Tikonov Free Republic or The Triumvirate.


The Republican Guards

The Republican Guards and their primary allied units are dominated by the use of Chimera OmniMechs, extremely adaptable machines.  When heavier firepower is required, they invariably call in the massed lances of Atlas, Marauder, and Cataphract BattleMechs, while Tessens provide most of their scouting capabilities.  Other designs that they build are seen, but most are sold to other nations.  The armored units are a mix of the various tanks they build with the Brutus being the most common, and SRM and LRM carriers purchased from the Concordance.  The navy makes use of numerous fighter designs, with the Riever being the most common, while Mouhnr destroyers, and Riga and Krivak frigates make up their capital defenses against other realms.

1st Republican Guard – The Timberwolves
2nd Republican Guard – Montezuma’s Revenge
3rd Republican Guard – Guardians of Tikonov
4th Republican Guard – Ridzik’s Own
5th Republican Guard – Small Conquerors
Ridzik Guard
Burton’s Brigade

The Sirian Lancers

The Sirian Lancers make heavy use of the Chimera OmniMech, and the Cronus, Crusader, Griffin, Scorpion, and Tessen BattleMechs in their ground regiments.  SRM and LRM carriers make up the majority of their armored Lancers, though a number of Minions and Morningstars from Tikonov are seen.  Their AeroSpace forces are primarily Rievers, and the Primus frigate is their sole homegrown WarShip design, seen on the Marik-Stewart and Skye borders at all times.

1st Sirian Lancers – Scourge of Jinan
2nd Sirian Lancers – The Dog Star Corsairs
3rd Sirian Lancers – Iron Guard
4th Sirian Lancers – Steel Guard

The Triumvirate Guard

The Triumvirate primarily uses Grasshopper, Lineholder, and JagerMech III BattleMechs, though their more elite companies have some Chimera OmniMechs as well.  Their armored assets are mostly Blizzard and Brutus tanks, backed up by SRM and LRM carriers, and Riever fighters make up most of their AeroSpace assets.  The Epsiloni Guard, commanded by General Tybalt Kelly, is the most powerful formation and regularly accompanies the Triumvir Prime as her honor guard when visiting the worlds of the Triumvirate.  The Triumvirate has no native capital fleet though, relying entirely on Tikonov for heavy naval support.

Epsiloni Guard – Gabriel’s Host
Sheratan Knights – Roebinood’s Merry Men
Ingress Legion – Liberty or Death


Tikonov Free Republic

Altair – Ridzik Brothers Munitions Corporation – Riever AeroSpace Fighter; Pavel Ridzik(Chimeisho) JumpShip

Bryant – Lantren Corporation – Grasshopper BattleMech

Dieron – Terada Yards – Pavel Ridzik(Chimeisho) JumpShip; Mouhnr(Lightning) Destroyer, Riga escort frigate, Krivak patrol frigate

Hall – Ridzik Brothers Munitions Corporation – Chimera (omni) BattleMech; Riever AeroSpace Fighter

Keid - United Airframe - Lexan Oceanic Series Luxory/Personal VTOL

Nanking – Kallon Industries – Shadow Hawk and Wolverine BattleMech; Partisan and Ontos tanks; UL-Series Construction Vehicles

Nirasaki – Maltex Corporation – Hatamoto-Chi BattleMech

Quentin – Independence Weaponry – Atlas, Chimera (omni), JagerMech III, Marauder, and Tessen BattleMechs.

Talitha – Gilmour MilTech – Cronus BattleMech

Tikonov – Earthwerks, Incorporated – Cataphract BattleMech; Lesseps Dump Truck, Heslod Utility Vehicle, Saturn Harvester, Freedom Hoverjeep, Sherpa Armored Truck; Thrush and Transit AeroSpace Fighters
– Ceres Metals Industries – Minion and Morningstar tanks
– Harcourt Industries – Various armors

Sirian Concordance

Oliver – Sirian Interstellar – Chimera (omni), Crusader, Griffin, and Scorpion BattleMechs; SRM and LRM Carriers

Pollux - Waytani, Inc. - P-5000 PowerLoader

Procyon – Procyon Industries – Chimera (omni) BattleMech; SRM and LRM Carriers

Sirius – Sirian Interstellar – Chimera (omni) BattleMech; Riever AeroSpace Fighter; Primus patrol frigate

The Triumvirate

Epsilon Eridani – Kressly Warworks – Chimera (omni) and Lineholder BattleMech; Blizzard, Brutus, and Dillinger vehicles
- Iveko - Burro Support Truck, Burro II Super Heavy Support Truck


Tikonov Free Republic

Acamar – A winter-like planet year-round, this mineral-rich world is ruled by powerful nobles.  During the Fourth Succession War, the nobles gladly jumped the Capellan ship to join Pavel Ridzik, and later become a part of the Federated Commonwealth.  Ripped from Commonwealth control by creation of the Chaos March, the world fell into anarchy and many of its ruling nobles were killed.  It fell under the sway of the Federated Suns during the decade that based between the creation of the Chaos March and the Jihad, but when the Word of Blake attacked, the world did not protest when New Syrtis broke away from New Avalon.  It was one of the first worlds attacked in 3081 when the Free Tikonov Republic joined the St. Ives War and has been a loyal member of the Republic since then.

Alrescha – Settled by Tikonov to give the Union a second source of food and textiles for its grown population, this world remained in the Union or in the Confederation until the Fourth Succession War.  Never affected by the Chaos March, it remained under the control of House Davion or New Syrtis until December of 3084 when it fell to the Ridzik brothers on their way to take Tikonov.

Altair – A large, dry planet under an unstable sun, this world sports a major mining industry and a heavy factory complex in orbit.  Though shattered during the Jihad, the Draconis Combine put many resources into rebuilding the factory complex afterwards.  It was captured by the Free Tikonov Republic in 3089 during the Second Dominion-Combine War, and is currently the focus of a major building boom as ComStar funds the construction of a massive network of system fortifications that will act as a final line of defense against any assault on Terra.

Arboris – Settled by Capellans for its fertile ground, the Kansas Plateau wheat grows taller than BattleMechs.  Also home to industries capable of supplying demand for technology in that system as well as others, it is a system that has prized its self-reliance for centuries.  Perhaps because of that, it is a very rebellious system as well, having fought Liao, Davion, Hasek, and Ridzik rule throughout its history.  Conquered by Tikonov in 3082 during their drive into New Syrtis space, it is an unhappy member of the Republic that often looks to the special relationship with the Sirian Concordance as the way it should be as well.

Asta – Once a major trade center between the Draconis Combine and the Free Worlds League, after its capture in 3090 it has continued its trading business, this time between the Republic and the Federation of Skye.  Site of a major ComStar system defense grid construction project, Asta is considered an important system for the defense of Terra.

Athenry – A warm world with an oppressive atmosphere, this world resembles prehistoric Terra in many ways.  Humans mainly colonized the highlands of the larger islands where the air was thinner and cooler, but ocean traffic is common now.  The lowlands are filled with plants and animals, many of them making excellent material for medicinal purposes.  Athenry Institute of Medicine, designed to study them for exactly that, was nuked during the First Succession War, but since Tikonov captured the system in 3090 ComStar has been working on rebuilding the facility.  They expect it to be completed by 3104.

Azha – Captured in 3083 during the third wave of the Tikonov advance against New Syrtis, this world’s heavy defends held the Ridziks for nearly five months before collapsing and threw the time table of their invasion off by nearly a year due to the heavy losses incurred.

Basalt – A large world with an oppressively thick atmosphere, wild lightning storms, and a high gravity field, Basalt was a member of the Federated Suns from the fall of the Star League until the Syrtis Federation declared independence.  It was captured by Tikonov in the second wave of their involvement in the St. Ives War.

Bharat – Colonized by Indians when mankind went to the stars, they brought dozens of species of animals and plants with them to take advantage of the world’s low gravity.  Its two claims to fame have been the teakwood exports (some actually used in the Star League’s Unity City) and its use as a hunting resort for various nobles over the last several centuries.  A non-industrialized world, it fell without a fight to Tikonov in their third wave of their assault against New Syrtis.

Bryant – Unlike many worlds near Terra, Bryant still boasts abundant chemical and metal deposits because of the storms that naturally wrack its surface.  During the Star League, Storm Inhibiters placed in orbit lessened the severity of these storms, allowing people to settle anywhere on the planet, but Amaris’ soldiers destroyed the satellites, allowing the storms to return to their full strength.  Captured by the Allied Mercenary Command and the Republican Guard during the Jihad, scientists from ComStar and the Ozawa-Addicks Mercantile Alliance have helped rebuild the Storm Inhibiter network in recent years, and ComStar has begun the long-term construction project of a system defense network to act as a final defensive line around Terra.

Caph – A center for advanced engineering research during the Star League, the Succession Wars shattered ninety-nine percent of its buildings and left vast swaths of the land irradiated.  Under the Federated Commonwealth, the lot of what few locals still lived improved.  The League/Capellan invasion and collapse of the FedCom shattered the world yet again, and in the Jihad that followed it was nearly wiped out by ferocious Word of Blake defenders.  Even with ComStar and Alliance technological support, the world is still a virtual wasteland and many of the survivors have begun to leave for greener pastures.  Those that have stayed uniformly work on the massive system defense grids being constructed with ComStar aid as a defense network around Terra.

Capolla – Covered by vast mountain ranges filled with huge ore deposits and numerous jungles, many of the tunnels are large enough to house underground cities and BattleMech travel through them is common.  Ravaged by the Fist of Mokal after the formation of the Chaos March, when the Ridzik brothers capture Terra Firma what was left of the Fist retreated to Capolla.  Under most circumstances they could have fought for years from the tunnels without being caught, but the locals actively helped the Republican Guard hunt the Fist down and kill them.  They have been loyal members of the Republic ever since.

Dieron – A cramped world because of its many large mountain ranges, what space is available exists in countless small valleys, and earthquakes are a frequent problem.  Ravaged during the Jihad by Word of Blake forces, Dieron languished under Combine control, wracked by rebellion attempts, until Tikonov forces arrived in 3089 and shattered the Combine regiments making repairs there.  The people have since seen their standard of living increase exponentially, making them some of the most loyal members of the Republic to this day.  Like nearby Altair, it is the home of a major system defense grid construction effort funded by ComStar to protect its various shipyards from destruction by enemy forces and to act as the final line of defense for Terra.

Elgin The large islands that comprise the main landmasses of the planet Elgin support a wide variety of lifestyles, ranging from manufacturing to farming to service industries.  The first world captured by the young Tikonov Free Republic in 3062, the Ridzik brothers made an example of Baron Men Hou and his family as to what happens to those who attempt to stand against them.  Men Hou’s island prison has become a dumping ground for undesirables since, giving Elgin a constant reminder of what betraying the Ridziks could cost them.

Fomalhaut – Only a pair of small landmasses - Oanhu in the southern hemisphere, and Lyria in the equatorial zone - and a few dozen islands rise from the Endless Seas, Fomalhaut's planetwide ocean.  Dominated by Hawaiian and Filipino cultures, the lush semitropical forestlands, exquisite natural beauty, unique three-moon nightscape, and infinite emerald seas have made it a resort world for whatever nation claims it.  It fell under Tikonov control in 3089, and ComStar is currently building a massive network of system defense fortifications that will act as a defensive line around Terra, but the locals continue to live as they have for centuries, welcoming outsiders, and their money, as much as always.

Genoa – A marginally habitable place with the smallest population of any system in a 60-light-year radius of Terra, the planet's attraction lies in its rich deposits of raw materials - always in demand by industry - and high-grade gemstones.  Huge underground lakes teeming with many unique aquatic species are carefully nurtured, harvested, and exported as delicacies and exotic pets.

Hall – The birthplace of the Tikonov Free Republic, it was here that the Ridzik brothers started their drive to reclaim their father’s old realm.  The capital city of Harney, shattered by the fighting between 3057 and 3060, has been rebuilt over the years into the Republic’s crowning jewel.  Hall's annual precipitation is far below the average for Terra, which gives the planet several large deserts.  Considered one of the most beautiful worlds in known space, Hall owes this reputation to the strange, compelling rock formations found in each of the planet's deserts.  From the air, it can be seen that many of these formations consist of solid walls of rock about five meters thick and sometimes more than two hundred meters long and of varying heights.  The most unique feature of these formations is that most of the rock walls run parallel to one another, creating a vast complex of hallways.  Many times suggestions have been made to move the capital to Tikonov but the Ridziks have vetoed them, not wishing to leave the beautiful world for a planet on the fringes of Republic space.

Hamal – Hamal is a cold desert world dominated by arid, frozen tundra and windstorms the locals call "sand blizzards."  Settlers from the highlands of Terra's South American continent established their only major city, Califa Hamal, on the planet's equator, where temperatures can reach above freezing.  Hamal's surface is a single landmass with small, landlocked seas containing mostly crushed ice.  The flags of Tikonov, the Hegemony, the Confederation, Commonwealth, Sytris, and now Tikonov again have flown over this world and her descendents are spread throughout much of the Human Sphere, having gone out to fight for her various parent realms.

Hsien –  Ruled over by Duke Luis Montong VI, this world makes modest amounts of revenue through its lumber and canning industries.  The Montong family have been loyal to a fault to the Ridziks since swearing fealty to them, making Hsien one of the most secure worlds in the Republic and home to a major Republic military base. 

Kansu – Kansu is a rather small cold world with three continents that are all frozen wastelands.  Kantuene is the largest continent, located at the equator and extending into the northern and southern hemispheres.  The majority of the population lives in the capital, Raijianstad, the largest of Kansu's domed cities, built in and around a large crevasse.  It was underground that the settlers discovered rich fields of radioactive and precious metals.  The continents of Matawan and Fetid remained largely unpopulated, Matawan being where the radioactive ores are refined, while Fetid is used as a Tikonov training base.  The local plants, mostly blue-gray in color, save what energy they absorb as methane, making them highly explosive and a valuable energy source if cultivated correctly.  The locals avoid underwater travel with a passion though, as the sea floors are covered in explosive methane-hydrate ice.

Kawich – Ten small continents (Adaven, Armagosa, Darrough, Hannapah, Ione, Nyala, Ophir, Pactolus, Tolicha, and Wahmonie) dot Kawich's large but shallow seas.  Kawich's soil is generally poor, but its rocks are rich in metal ores, minerals, and petroleum.  Although mining and refining industries boomed on Kawich under the Terran Hegemony, Kawich's population has always retained a frontier attitude given the hardscrabble land they must work.

Keid – Home of an ore-mining industry and situated immediately next to Terra and the Sirian Concordance, Keid is dominated by bazaars and traders love the world.  Staunchly Pro-Steiner before the Marik-Liao invasion, it was garrisoned by the Thirteenth Lyran Guards for the Lyran Alliance after the Marik-Liao invasion of the FedCom and the fall of Duke Joseph Hunsen due to revelations of his relations with underaged twins with ties to a Combine agent.  In 3062 however the Thirteenth decided to go independent, take control of the world, turn the relatively young Duchess Arice Hunsen into a mere figurehead, and force her to follow their orders.  In 3065, she managed to smuggle a request for aid to Word of Blake agents and their help arrived in late 3065 in the form of Clifton's Rangers and Hannibal's Hermits.  By mid 3066, the Thirteenth were forced to surrender.  It fell to Tikonov during the Jihad and Duchess Hunsen wisely saw that times were shifting and has been a loyal subject of the Republic since then, though some rumors suggest she is not as loyal as she says and may even have been behind her father’s removal.  Tikonov agents are watching her closely for any sign that the rumors are correct.  Now home to a massive system defense network construction process, ComStar projects that by 3150 Keid will be invulnerable to any known form of attack.

Liberty – Once called Carver V, more than 85% of Liberty’s surface is covered by pale blue seas, making it an important source of water for drier Republic worlds. The planet's many aquatic lifeforms, the ocean-going reptiles called Crocales being the most spectacular, are carefully protected by the local government but yearly harvests are performed to keep their numbers down and to generate trade revenue.  Crocales hides make iridescent green leather much loved by the rich of the Republic.  Liberty is also home to the massive Quantico Marine Fortification, one of the few Star League fortifications capable of holding off Amaris’ troops.  Since absorbing Liberty, the Republic rebuilt the fortifications with ComStar help and now the Republic, ComStar, and the Star League uses them to train their marines, like the ancient Star League did.  A new system defense grid is also under construction to act as a line of defense for Terra itself.

Nanking – One of the first trade centers developed during the Exodus from Terra, local deposits of platinum and copper attract considerable interstellar trade and exchange.  Kallontown, named after the productive Kallon Industries, is the capital and home of one of major Republic universities, once used as a political training facility by the Capellans.

New Canton – A temperate planet with a diverse economy of light and medium industry, several commercial spaceports, fishing, and a thriving agricultural industry are its claim to fame.  Approximately 80 percent of New Canton's population lives in large- and medium-sized cities that are evenly distributed on the planet's two continents.  Saltwater oceans cover nearly 85 percent of New Canton's surface.  The capital and primary power of the Saiph Triumvirate, it was the last world to fall to Ridzik soldiers but is, ironically, the least troublesome to their rule.  A sizeable military force garrisons it against enemy raids at all times.

New Hessen – Founded by Albrecht von Hesse, a successful arms and munitions merchant, the planet New Hessen began as a private commercial holding and was converted into a planet-wide "battlezone-for-rent-or-lease" by the Hesse family.  This novel concept provided neighboring governments a suitable stage for military contests across New Hessen's vast plains and mountains, without the risk of spoiling their own lands.  The enormous profits gleaned from these enterprises allowed the von Hesse family to establish the largest military-industrial complex in the old Tikonov Union.  After conquering New Hessen, the Ridziks restarted the practice of hosting BattleMech competitions on this world.  Most of the year they are simple Solaris-style small-scale duels, but they culminate in massive quarterly multi-unit actions where Republican formations vie for the honor of wearing the Hesse Medal of Gallantry.

New Home – The planet's boasts a pleasant and temperate climate, mountainous, resource-rich highlands, and many freshwater lakes and rivers.  It's mineral, chemical, and metal wealth make it a strategically important world for Republic, and the ancient Star League system defense fortifications have been rebuilt with ComStar support to act as part of a final defensive line for Terra should the distant Clans or another vestige of the old Star League mount another invasion.  ComStar projections suggest it will be decades before the network is complete.

Nirasaki – Farms, cattle ranches, fishing communities and artistic communes make up the bulk of Nirasaki's population, though it is also home to two very important industries that make it of note to the Human Sphere.  The first is Blue Heron Computers, a major producer of the Blue Lotus portable compads and noteputers used throughout the Human Sphere, and the second is a series of plush resort hotels that make it a favored vacation spot for many.  These hotels receive much of their business thanks to the Hiyake solar yacht races, the premier event in that sport.

Nopah – Nopah's swollen, dying parent star has been a blessing to its flora, but all of the planet's native animal life has perished due to dramatic changes in Nopah's climate.  Settlers from Terra recognized Nopah's agricultural potential but had to introduce their own insects to ensure that their crops were fertilized.  Conquered during the second phase of the St. Ives War, the ancient rusting BattleMech hulks that have dotted its landscape for centuries have newer and younger friends now.

Pike IV – A high atmospheric pressure, small deposits of water, and extreme mineral reaches are the hallmarks of this world.  Some people live high above sea level where the pressure is closer to normal, their cities surrounded by massive walls to protect them from the high-altitude storms, while others live in the calmer lower altitudes where every building is required to have air-thinning environmental systems.  The duel societies on this world distrust each other and do not work well together when fighting, an aspect the Ridzik brothers took advantage of when they invaded the world in 3090 and took it from the crumpling Combine.

Quentin – A world of abundant raw materials, from basic industrial metals to rarer radioactive elements and even naturally-formed crystalline minerals useful in various optical products, the planet still retains the scars of First Succession War fighting in the form of its caustic atmosphere - the result of a massive biological-weapon attack, launched against the world by retreating would-be conquerors.  Scientists from ComStar and the Ozawa-Addicks Mercantile Alliance have spent the last decade attempting to formulate a way of restoring the world’s atmosphere but have made little progress at this time.

Saffel – A cold world slowly coming out of a mini-ice age, Saffel’s upper and lower latitudes are covered mostly in ice.  Rugged, thickly wooded plains dominate the equatorial region where most of the people live to this day.  Home to another massive system defense networks, ComStar has been busy in the system since the war with the Draconis Combine effectively ended.

Saiph – The heavily forested, mountainous terrain of this world has discouraged development, and the planets' populations rely primarily on mining, subsistence farming, livestock herding, and hunting to provide the necessities of life.  Like most other governments before it, the Republic controls only the two small cities and their spaceports, with the rest of the planet controlled by the isolated inhabitants who refuse to bow to any foreign government.  As long as they don’t attack Republic interests, the Ridziks have left them alone, but more than one purge has occurred after some “freedom fighters” decided to try driving them off.


Styx – Large oceans and the gravitational effects of its three moons are blamed for the violent storms that rage across the Stygian surface, often causing damage from flash floods and mudslides during the planet's rainy seasons.  A high quantity of metal and radioactive minerals have made it valuable to conquerors and raiders since before the Star League, and it was the location of the Hegemony’s first use of BattleMechs against the Draconis Combine.  It is ironic that when Tikonov BattleMechs hit the world in 3090, the only major Combine force on world was a regiment of vehicles that died as quickly and easily as their ancient ancestors did against the Hegemony BattleMechs.

Talitha – Once the home of one of the Star League’s “Golden Ten” universities, the Ridziks have given ComStar and the Ozawa-Addicks Mercantile Alliance free reign to rebuild the university into one of the most affluent centers of learning in the Human Sphere.  Nearly half of its students come from the nearby Marik-Stewart Commonwealth, and it is the only world on that border that is never raided by Commonwealth forces.

Tall Trees – Easily conquered by the Ridziks when they declared war on the Triumvirate, it has proven a very difficult world to control.  The mountainous terrain is heavily-forested and the locals have little use for high technology or foreign governments, staying in their small villages where they live alone and happily leave the Republic to do what it wants.  The Ridziks control only a single city and its main spaceport, leaving the locals to the independence they want as long as they don’t consort with the Republic’s enemies.

Terra Firma – The home of the Fist of Mokal after they fled Sheratan, the Fist brutally oppressed this formerly peaceful and prosperous world for six years before the Ridzik brothers marched in to deal with the “mercenaries.”  Though some of the Fist managed to escape their assault, most of them were captured or killed in the fighting.  Those that survived were scrupulously tried for their crimes and then executed by the Republic courts.  Since then, rebuilding efforts by the Republic have returned prosperity and peace to the world and cemented the loyalty of Terra Firma.

Tikonov – A large, mostly arid world that was colonized in the 22nd century, its large mineral deposits and heavy industries led it to form The Tikonov Grand Union, one of the earliest interstellar nations.  A proud member of the Capellan Confederation for centuries, it fell to the Federated Commonwealth during the Fourth Succession War, and reverted to Syrtis management when the Syrtis Federation pulled out of the Federated Suns during the Jihad.  Conquered by the Third Republican Guards during the Tikonov offensive against the Syrtis Federation, its many industries have helped rebuild the Republican military over the last fifteen years.  Many champion the cause of making it the official capital of the Tikonov Free Republic, but so far the Ridzik brothers have declined to leave the more defensible Hall.

Van Diemen IV – The Armistice of Van Diemen IV between the Liao and Davion governments in 2903 started a quarter-century cease-fire between those two nations and set up a series of rules of warfare that the other nations unofficially began to follow as well, limiting the destructiveness of the Succession Wars.


Woodstock – One of the first worlds to fall to Tikonov forces when they hit the Syrtis Federation, it is a temperate world devoted to raising agricultural products and a variety of livestock.  The three continents cover 27 percent of the planet, while the three oceans are as rich and vibrant with life as the land is fertile.  York, the largest continent, produces most of the beef and grows some tobacco for cigars.  The continent of Sjardijin is home to ancient Star League research station that studied ways to grow crops and feed that old nation, but the continent of Essex is a shattered, burned out husk thanks to the assaults of Amaris’ troops.  Scientists from ComStar and the Ozawa-Addicks Mercantile Alliance have spent the last two decades trying to clean the poisons from the land but have had only moderate success so far.

Yangtze – Like the Yangtze floodplain on Terra, Yangtze's landmasses are flat and covered in a thick layer of fertile soil fed by seasonal flooding from the planet's many slow-moving rivers.  Fearful of the destruction wrought by these inland floods, Yangtze's initial Chinese settlers huddled in small fishing villages and towns on the rocky coasts of the planet's two small continents, Han and Sung.  The Star League built an elaborate system of dams and dikes across the planet, making it a prime producer of food, but the controls on Sung were destroyed during the Second Succession War by rogue mercenaries.  The Ridzik brothers funded a long-term project to repair the facilities, and parts of Sung have begun to grow food again in recent years.

Zurich – A pleasant world with a temperate atmosphere, it has been a favored tourist attraction for centuries.  Of limited use strategically, and lacking any major resources, it is never raided and citizens of many nations around the Human Sphere travel there for vacations.  One of the premier attractions involves an old Star League DropShip and three BattleMechs with parks and opera houses surrounding it.

Sirian Concordance

Alula Australis – Originally a Steiner world, it was conquered by the Mariks in 2458 and has been the brunt of attacks ever since.  Rare earths and gemstones form the basis of a rich mining industry, keeping its people productive and reasonably well off.  It became a part of the Commonwealth after the Fourth Succession War and was reconquered by the League in 3058.  During the Jihad it fell under the control of the Word of Blake, but was liberated by the Sirian Concordance in 3071.  Since the Jihad, ComStar has begun a long-range project of building a large series of fortifications to act as a line of defense for Terra.

Callison – Possessing abundant water, mineral, and agricultural resources, like many other worlds in the Republic Callison has seen numerous flags hung over its buildings.  Skye, Lyran, Marik, FedCom, Word of Blake, Sirian, and now Tikonov flags have all risen over it, and the locals long ago learned to live with the devastation that has brought.  Even now, many cities remain abandoned due to war damage, but the Sirians have been making progress and its location has brought much trading wealth to it.

Castor – Long a major trading port between the Houses, this worlds fortunes have waned since coming under Concordance control.  While many traders still come here, other worlds in the area have been slowly pulling business away, leaving some of the bazaars empty.
Devil's Rock – Like Castor, this was once a major trading center, but recent years have seen its fortunes waning as traders go to worlds on the borders of the Concordance.

Graham IV – Once a Terra-like world with vast metal deposits, mineral wealth, and fossil fuel resources, Amaris’ troops nuked anything they couldn’t easily capture and left the world in ruins.  The remaining population centers are small and generally unimportant, with the planet barely able to eke out its existence.  Much of the food is grown in orbital habitats because of the vast areas of the planet covered by nuclear radiation.  In the decades since the Jihad, both the Ozawa-Addicks Mercantile Alliance and ComStar have spent much time counteracting the poisons and dissipating the radiation, but projections suggest it will be decades before the planet is cleansed.  ComStar has also been spending large amounts of funds in building a series of system defense stations that will make Graham IV a virtual fortress in the line of defense around Terra.

Marcus – A heavy world with an oppressive atmosphere and mountains squashed into mere rolling hills, Marcus is nonetheless a valuable world thanks to its abundance of radioactive and industrial mineral resources.  It was also of value to the Word of Blake and they used its radioactive supplies to make many nuclear weapons that they used during the Jihad until the Sirian Concordance captured the world.

Oliver – The most distant part of the Terran System Defense Network, this rich world was colonized early in mankind’s Exodus from Terra.  Now home to major Brigadier and Quikscell production facilities, the scars of early and current industrial development dot the landscape.

Pollux – Long one of the main trading ports between the Sirian Concordance and the Federation of Skye, this is a rich world full of trading bazaars and objects from the Clan Occupation Zones to the Free Worlds League can be easily found here.

Procyon – A largely agricultural world of sparsely populated farmlands and forests, the bulk of Procyon's surface outside of the two main continents takes the form of the Unspoiled Isles, a chain of miniature island-continents stretching along the southern hemisphere.  Dominated by large numbers of Castles Brian in various stages of rebuilding, industrial growth is rampant but nearly all of it takes place in space where the waste products can be easily deposited in the sun.  They have eagerly accepted the series of system fortifications ComStar is building, remembering Alisendar Gyrn’s reign of terror and not wanting anyone to have that chance again.

Sirius – Home to no less than three habitable worlds, Sirius is the heart of industrial and agricultural power in the Sirian Concordance.  Officially ruled by a duly elected “Primus, Protector, and Sublime Princeps”, unofficially the Primus Jenny Twofeathers, originally of Procyon, rigs the elections to continually maintain in power and to keep a check on the power Gyrn family.  Though that family lost much power due to the reign of terror one of their members instituted after Marik-Liao invasion of the FedCom, it still has enough to constantly threaten the Primus’ base of power, making the Sirian Concordance a decidedly unstable government.

Zosma – Orbiting a blazing-hot, white, A-class sun twice the size of Terra's Sol, which whips its few rocky planets around at breakneck speed and occasionally pulses in size due to its own inherent gravitational instability, Zosma is quite inhospitable, with its rocky terrain, brutal, year-round heat, and nutrient-poor soil that supports only a few limited species of native flora.  Only its vast metallurgical resources keep mankind on the world at all.  The inhabitants live in sealed habitats, shielded from the solar radiation, with limited protection against the odd planet-wide quakes that erupt when the parent star undergoes another brief contraction.  Tight controls on the locals keep them from wasting resources and internal dissent is dealt with quickly in order to keep the defenses ready for raids from Skye.

The Triumvirate

Epsilon Eridani – Having a pleasant, if damp, climate, few of the world's frequent rainstorms ever become true thunderstorms.  The southern continent contains large regions of swamplands, while the northern continent is drier and rockier, as well as containing large areas of hinterlands.  The northern continent is also host to infrequent, but spectacular, thunder tempests.  One of the few bastions of calm and trade in the Chaos March, the world broke into civil war between County Shu and the Palatine of Duvic in 3061.  Though the war ended without victor in 3062, revelations shortly thereafter that Duvic had consorted with both the Word of Blake and the Capellan Confederation to end Epsilon’s independence shattered that realm, allowing County Shu to absorb it with little difficulty.  Now the most powerful polity on Epsilon Eridani, Shu forces make up nearly half of the Epsiloni Guard and have fought in every war the Republic has entered.  Epsilon has served as the capital of The Triumvirate, as home of the Triumvir Prime, since the founding of the Triumvirate, and few think that will change any time soon, especially considering that ComStar has been building a powerful system defense network since the Jihad to act as a defense network around Terra.  It continues to be a center of trade in the Republic and The Triumvirate.

Epsilon Indi – A wasteland of deserts, empty seabeds, and bombed-out cities, whose population now inhabits only the polar regions, which were spared most of the fallout of Amaris’ nuclear scorched earth campaign.  The rich mineral deposits across the planet’s four main landmasses are now accessible to mining operations based in the polar continents of Boreria in the north, and Kantiles in the south.  Captured during the Jihad, ComStar and Alliance technological initiatives have made slow progress at removing the radioactive poisons from some areas of the planet while ComStar has been building a system defense network to act as a protective line around Terra.

Fletcher – A dense atmosphere and almost constant cloud cover keep this world damp and chilly, befitting a planet whose major claim to fame is its use as a burial ground for countless Capellan Chancellors.  Because it has so little in the way of resources or beauty to recommend it, most realms have ignored Fletcher during the Succession Wars and even the Jihad.  Only the Duchy of Small showed any major interest, after being pushed off Sheratan.  The local militia was unable to drive them off, despite a decade of effort, until the Ridzik brothers allied with the nearby Triumvirate and gave them the support they needed to destroy the Duchy forces on Fletcher.  To this day, The Triumvirate claims the system and has a small garrison there, but lets the locals do whatever they want.

Ingress – Ingress is a heavily populated world with a diverse economy.  Trade and agricultural exports form the largest sectors, but Ingress also contains several light manufacturing facilities.  Never a willing member of the Duchy of Small, they helped found The Triumvirate and welcomed Sheratan and Epsiloni forces with open arms.  Extremely independent-minded, they have still become close friends with Sheratan and Epsilon.

Sheratan – Shattered by the formation of the Chaos March, the Fist of Mokal and the Sheratan Knights ravaged the lush forests of Sheratan in their fight for control of the world.  In the end, the Sheratan Knights remained the only power on the world and successfully brought order to it in 3059, despite numerous assaults by the Duchy of Small.  A founding member of The Triumvirate in 3064, since the Jihad ended they have content to sit back and rebuild.  The past three decades have seen the restoration of much of the lost forests, but scars of those ferocious fires can still be seen.

Small World – Nearly 80 percent of Small World's landmass is covered by frozen tundra.  The planet has a medium-sized population, and almost all of these inhabitants live in five large cities located on the world's two small equatorial continents.  Small World's economy is almost totally dependent on its exports of radioactive elements and minerals mined from under its frozen exterior.  Duke Synthia Small is considered to be a loyal member of the Republic, but she continues to this day to hide military resources and to build up a range of contacts she hopes one day will allow her to break free of Triumvirate and Tikonov control.  Many of her negotiations are masked as elicit liaisons that she has allowed the Ridzik and Shu intelligent operatives to observe.

Since Tuesday, November 12, 2002

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