![]() The Human Sphere is a BattleTech universe set in 3100. The Jihad has come and gone, leaving in its wake dozens of small realms in a perpetual cycle of raids and small wars. Will you seek money or defend your nation? Or both? You decide. |
"If dynamite was dangerous, do you think they'd sell it to an idiot like me?" - Al Bundy Technology Levels Across the Human Sphere, the Succession Wars, centuries of neglect, and the bright hot sun of the Jihad have resulted in a large range of technologies available. Below is a basic listing of the main technological "levels" that are generally considered to exist. Succession Wars Tech - After hundreds of years of war, technology had dropped to the lowest ebb capable of supporting war in the Human Sphere Star League Tech - The "Golden Age" of mankind according to the Inner Sphere and the Clans, their technologies were the best. Recovered Star League Tech - The basic set of technologies that the Inner Sphere recovered and researched to combat the Clans. This is basically the old Star League technologies, but also includes the full array of LBX, Ultra, ER Lasers, Streak Missiles, and the like. Clan Tech - The basic range of standard Clan technologies used during their invasion of the Inner Sphere Full Clan Tech - Standard Clan technologies plus those introduced after the invasion to combat Inner Sphere tactics and technologies. This includes technology from the Mech Force UK such as RACS and Plasma cannons, Tactical Handbook weapons, and of course Max Tech weapons. Faction Technology The above technological levels are of course not all inclusive. They are simply basic classes, and many factions have access to technologies that no other factions have. Below, each faction is listed, along with the basic technological level they have and the unique technologies that they use. Some technologies are shared across multiple factions, but are not widespread enough to be included into one of the basic technological levels noted above. The Inner Sphere - Multi-Missile launchers have been sold and licensed throughout the Human Sphere, thanks to the Allied Mercenary Command. They can fire SRMs, LRMs, DFMs of both styles, ELRMs, and the full range of standard and advanced SRM and LRM munitions introduced in the basic rules, the Tactical Handbook, and Max Tech. Rocket Launchers are also used when needed. Terran Reaches ComStar - Clan Tech, C3i Tikonov Free Republic - Recovered Star League Tech, Blazer Armor, C3, Mace, Bloodhound Allied Mercenary Command - Recovered Star League Tech to Clan Tech, Light Engines, Heavy Ferro-fibrous Draconis Rifts - Heavy, Light and Snub Nose PPC, Heavy-Duty Gyro Draconis Combine - Succession Wars Tech, Blazer Armor, Glazed Armor, Hyper-Velocity Autocannon, MRMs, plus region tech Azami Caliphate - Recovered Star League Tech, Blazer Armor, C3, plus region tech Proserpina Syndicate - Anything. I mean it. Anything. Just nothing in large numbers. Federation Expanse - Targeting Computers, TSM Federated Suns - Succession Wars Tech, Glazed Armor, Hyper-Velocity ACs, THB Ultra ACs, Light ACs, RACs, Extended LRMs, Thunderbolt, Bloodhound, Compact Gyro, plus the above Robinson Republic - Recovered Star League Tech, Glazed Armor, Hyper-Velocity ACs, Mace, plus region tech Syrtis Federation - Recovered Star League Tech, Hyper-Velocity ACs, THB Ultra ACs, plus region tech Filtvelt Coalition - Recovered Star League Tech, plus region tech Ozawa-Addicks Mercantile Alliance - Clan Tech, Improved Jump Jets, Claw, Bloodhound, plus region tech Capellan Rump States - Stealth Armor, TSM Capellan Confederation - Succession Wars Tech, Hyper-Velocity Autocannon, THB LBX, Light Machine Guns, Plasma Rifle, Claw, Bloodhound, Blazer Armor, Laser AMS, plus region tech St. Ives Compact - Recovered Star League Tech, Glazed Armor, THB Thunderbolt, Claw, plus region tech Sarna Supremacy - Recovered Star League Tech, plus region tech Styk Commonality - Recovered Star League Tech, plus region tech Free Worlds League - THB Ultra ACs, Light Gauss Rifle, ER Lasers, Heavy, Light, and Snub Nose PPC Free Worlds League - Recovered Star League Tech, plus region tech Marik-Stewart Commonwealth - Recovered Star League Tech, Light Ferro-fibrous, Hyper-Velocity Autocannon, THB LBX, Claw, Mace, Bloodhound, Laser AMS, plus region tech Oriente Protectorate - Recovered Star League Tech, plus region tech Duchy of Andurien - Recovered Star League Tech, plus region tech Principality of Regulus - Recovered Star League Tech, Bloodhound, plus region tech Rim Commonality - Recovered Star League Tech, plus region tech Duchy of Tamarind-Abbey - Recovered Star League Tech, Light Ferro-fibrous, plus region tech Zion Protectorate - Succession Wars Tech, Light Ferro-fibrous, plus region tech Lyran Commonwealth - Hardened Armor, Heavy Ferro-fibrous, Heavy Gauss Rifle, Light Engines Lyran Commonwealth - Recovered Star League Tech, Glazed Armor, Extended LRMs, Thunderbolt, Compact Engines, Compact Gyro, plus region tech Tamar Pact - Clan Tech, Glazed Armor, Mace, plus region tech Federation of Skye - Recovered Star League Tech, THB LBX, Extended LRMs, plus region tech Solaris Cooperative - Clan Tech, plus region tech The Clans - Full Clan Tech Clan Jade Falcon - Glazed Armor, Anti-Personnel Gauss, Laser Heat Sinks Hell, Steel &Ice - Hyper-assault Guass, ProtoMech Myomer Booster Clan Smoke Jaguar - Light and Heavy Machine Guns Rasalhague Dominion Wolf Ascendancy - Anti-Battle Armor Pods [B Pods], Improved Jump Jets Clan Sea Fox Nova Cat Confederation Clan Snord Outer Sphere & Periphery - Rocket Launchers Raven Alliance - Full Clan Tech Taurian Concordat - Successions Wars Tech, ELRMs, Light Engines, Light ACs, Gauss Rifle, Targeting Computers, TSM, Pulse Lasers, Streak SRMs, DHS, Light PCs, Stealth Armor Magistracy of Canopus - Recovered Star League Tech, Blazer Armor, plus Taurian tech. Fronc Federation - Same as Taurians Marian Hegemony - Star League Tech, C3i Rim Collection - Succession Wars Tech Civilizations of the Deep - Succession Wars Tech Pirates of the Deep - Whatever they have access to, usually region based. |