AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:    Lucifer II LCF-R16K (Human Sphere)
Tech: Inner Sphere / 2583
Vessel Type: Aerospace Fighter
Rules: Level 1, Standard design
Mass: 65 tons
Inner Sphere / 2583: Wakazashi III LCF
Power Plant: Manatwist 260 Fusion
Safe Thrust: 6
Maximum Thrust: 9
Armor Type: Chatham "Bakemono" Standard
2 Diplan HD Large Laser
1 Shigunga SRM 6
1 Shigunga LRM 20
4 Diplan Small Laser
1 Diplan M3 Medium Laser
Manufacturer:    Wakazashi Enterprises
   Location:    Chatham
Communications System:    Duoteck 100
Targeting & Tracking System: RCA Instatrac Mark XI


         First built in 2526, the original Lucifer II eventually became a prominent part of House Steiner's arsenal despite a large number of obstacles it had to pass and some very important weaknesses. When the Star League formed in 2571, the new Star Lord began demanding that the Great Houses share weapons designs to foster cooperation against the Periphery realms. House Steiner gave House Kurita the original designs to the Lucifer II, excluding the fixes, and the Combine soon put the design in production.
         They found the weaknesses that House Steiner had fixed on their Lucifers when fighters loyal to the Outworlds Alliance slaughtered an entire wing of Lucifers. The Coordinator was furious at the Lyran betrayel and ordered the Lucifers recalled for a full redesign. The LCF-R16K entered full production in 2583 and has remained in permanent production ever since, even during the darkest days of the Succession Wars, the Clan Invasion, the wars with the Dominion, and of course the Jihad.


         The LCF-R16K sports a larger engine than the older "Lyran Dragger", and also carries an extra SRM in the nose for more close-range punch. These improvements did cost the design armor, but Kurita designers considered that loss worth the improvements in maneuvering and firepower. The Lucifer's main advantage is the large number of heat sinks it carries, which enable it to sustain concentrated weapons fire and overthrust capacity in tight combat situations compared to other fighters.
         Twin large lasers and a long-range missile rack give it the ability to reach out and crush someone. The SRMs and small lasers allow it to continue hurting people that get inside the minimum range of the LRMs, while a medium laser above the engine core points towards the rear, keeping enemy fighters from following too close to the fighter.


         In constant production since the Star League Invasion of the Periphery, the LCF-R16K is one of the primary strike fighters of the Draconis Combine. Easy to maintain, far more rugged and survivable than the Lyran version, and easy to pilot, it has served well in front line units and militias alike. It can be found throughout the Draconis Rifts, in the Draconis Combine itself and in the non-aligned systems surrounding it.

Class/Model/Name: Lucifer II LCF-R16K (Human Sphere)
Mass: 65 tons
Equipment:             Mass
Power Plant: 260 Fusion 13.50
Engine Shielding:   .00
Structural Integrity: 6 .00
Safe Thrust: 6  
Maximum Thrust: 9  
Heat Sinks: 20 Single 10.00
Fuel:   4.00
Cockpit & Attitude Thrusters:   3.00
Armor Factor: 104 Standard 6.50

      Armor Value
      (Standard Scale)        
  Nose: 30      
  Left / Right Wings: 24 / 24      
  Aft: 26      

Weapons & Equipment: Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 Large Laser Nose 8 8 -- -- 8 5.00
1 Large Laser Nose 8 8 -- -- 8 5.00
1 SRM 6 Nose 8 -- -- -- 4 3.00
  Ammo (SRM 6) 15 ---           1.00
1 LRM 20 Nose 12 12 12 -- 6 10.00
  Ammo (LRM 20) 6 ---           1.00
1 Small Laser LW 3 -- -- -- 1 0.50
1 Small Laser RW 3 -- -- -- 1 0.50
1 Small Laser LW 3 -- -- -- 1 0.50
1 Small Laser RW 3 -- -- -- 1 0.50
1 Medium Laser Aft 5 -- -- -- 3 1.00
TOTALS:           33 65.00
Tons Left:             .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 3,458,405 C-Bills
Battle Value: 959
Cost per BV: 3,606.26
Weapon Value: 1,632 (Ratio = 1.70)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 29; MRDmg = 12; LRDmg = 2; ERDmg = 0
BattleForce2: MP: 6N,   Armor/Structure: 3 / 0
    Damage PB/M/L: 3/2/1,   Overheat: 2
    Class: FM,   Point Value: 10

Designed with HeavyMetal Aero