AeroTech 2 Vessel Technical Readout

Class/Model/Name:    Overlord-C (Human Sphere)
Tech: Clan / 2818
Vessel Type: Spheroid DropShip
Rules: Level 3, Standard design
Mass: 11,550 tons
Length: 101 meters
Power Plant: Standard
Safe Thrust: 3
Maximum Thrust: 5
Armor Type: Standard
6 Ultra AC/5
3 ER Large Laser
3 LRM 20+Artemis IV
3 Large Pulse Laser
12 Medium Pulse Laser
2 Ultra AC/20
Manufacturer:    Matabushi Incorporated, Trellshire Heavy Industries, Von Jankmon Industriplex, Blackwell Heavy Industries, Rumiko Industriplex, Tamar Yardplex
   Location:    Avon, Chahar, Hot Springs, Outreach, Ramora, Tamar


         Many Overlord Class DropShips left the Inner Sphere during the Exodus. Later, when Nicholas Kerensky created the Clans during the years of the Exodus Civil Wars, he ordered the modification of his Overlord Class vessels so that each could carry a Cluster of 45 OmniMechs, per his Clan organization scheme.
         This refit required considerable modification of the Overlord's interior. Clan technicians removed the fighter decks on most vessels to make room for 'Mech cubicles and new crew quarters. These early craft followed no standard design, and each of the twenty vessels differed in some way. Mass production of the standardized Overlord-Cs on Strana Mechty did not begin until after the liberation of the Pentagon worlds.
         The Overlord-C is a true redesign of the original Overlord and can carry 45 'Mechs. The Overlord-C is considerably better armed and armored than its precursor but lacks an integral fighter complement. Outwardly, the Overlord-C bears a striking resemblance to its progenitor, despite being almost 2,000 tons heavier. Only the Overlord-C's slightly elongated nose cone and lack of fighter-bay doors distinguish its external appearance from the original Overlord's.
         The Overlord-C's arsenal contains a heavy energy weapons grid, and the Overlord-C's cooling circuits allow a captain to fire all the craft's weapons simultaneously without heat problems. Despite this impressive arsenal, the Overlord-C lacks weaponry in its aft quarters. This creates two vulnerable areas on the vessel, which enemy pilots have exploited to destroy many Overlord-Cs. As a result, Overlord-C pilots must rely on a constant series of evasive maneuvers to keep attackers from exploiting these vulnerable areas.

Class/Model/Name: Overlord-C (Human Sphere)
Mass: 11,550 tons
Equipment:             Mass
Power Plant: Standard 2,114.00
Structural Integrity: 18 416.00
Safe Thrust: 3  
Maximum Thrust: 5  
Heat Sinks: 122 Double 3.00
Fuel & Fuel Pumps:   360.00
Bridge & Controls:   87.00
Armor Factor: 1,200 Standard 56.50

      Armor Value
      (Standard Scale)        
  Fore: 350      
  Left / Right Sides: 300 / 300      
  Aft: 250      

Equipment & Options:              
   Bay 1: BattleMechs (15) with 3 doors 2,250.00
  Cargo (1) 393.00
   Bay 2: BattleMechs (15) with 3 doors 2,250.00
  Cargo (1) 392.50
   Bay 3: BattleMechs (15) with 3 doors 2,250.00
  Cargo (1) 393.00
Life Boats: 3 (7 tons each) 21
Escape Pods: 3 (7 tons each) 21
Crew and Passengers:    
   8 Officers (7 minimum)   0.00
   35 Crew (0 minimum)   0.00
   90 Bay Personnel   0.00

Weapons & Equipment: Loc SRV MRV LRV ERV Heat Mass
1 Ultra AC/5(20 rounds) Nose 1(7) 1(7) 1(7) -- 2 8.00
1 ER Large Laser Nose 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 12 4.00
2 LRM 20+Artemis IV(60 rounds) Nose 3(32) 3(32) 3(32) -- 12 22.00
2 ER PPC Nose 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 30 12.00
1 Large Pulse Laser Nose 4(38) 4(38) 1(10) -- 10 6.00
   4 Medium Pulse Laser           16 8.00
1 Ultra AC/20(25 rounds) FL/R 4(37) 4(37) 1(7) -- 28 34.00
   1 Ultra AC/5           4 18.00
1 ER Large Laser FL/R 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 1(10) 24 8.00
1 ER PPC FL/R 2(15) 2(15) 2(15) -- 30 12.00
1 Large Pulse Laser FL/R 2(24) 2(24) 1(10) -- 20 12.00
   2 Medium Pulse Laser           16 8.00
1 Ultra AC/5(40 rounds) AL/R 1(7) 1(7) 1(7) -- 4 18.00
2 Medium Pulse Laser AL/R 1(14) 1(14) -- -- 16 8.00
1 Ultra AC/5(20 rounds) Aft 1(7) 1(7) 1(7) -- 2 8.00
1 LRM 20+Artemis IV(36 rounds) Aft 2(16) 2(16) 2(16) -- 6 12.00
2 ER PPC Aft 3(30) 3(30) 3(30) -- 30 12.00
TOTALS:           262 11,550.00
Tons Left:             .00

Calculated Factors:
Total Cost: 450,063,320 C-Bills
Battle Value: 8,836
Cost per BV: 50,935.19
Weapon Value: 11,269 (Ratio = 1.28)
Damage Factors:    SRDmg = 337; MRDmg = 279; LRDmg = 68; ERDmg = 0
Maintenance Point Value:    MPV = 73,084 (49,288 Structure, 17,220 Life Support, 6,576 Weapons)
Support Points: SP = 96,075 (131% of MPV)
BattleForce2: MP: 3N,   Armor/Structure: 20 / 20
    Damage PB/M/L: 11/11/5,   Overheat: 0
    Class: DL,   Point Value: 88